HomeCareerCareer Counseling and Effects of Modern Technological Developments

Career Counseling and Effects of Modern Technological Developments

India has long been a land of opportunity for the career-minded individual to create a reputation for herself or himself. Emphasizing career counseling opportunities is the best way to maintain the focus of the most energetic and valuable workers. It maximizes performance across the workforce. 

Four decades before, Alvin Toffler fore told that our society would be influenced by the Information Revolution thanks to the technology provided by the computer. This has occurred. We have shifted from an agricultural society to a factory/assembly line/ production society, to an automated/knowledge-based society

Counseling through the internet is one among the provided facilities by advanced technologies that pave the path for the career development of learners. This study aims to examine and describe the role and impact of online career counseling interventions on the career development of learners. 

Technology in Career Counseling

Career Counseling

This advent of technology, particularly from the beginning of this century, has affected the Career Counselling Industry to a large extent. The Internet has brought Career Counselling into the limelight as more and more individuals are now aware of the importance of Career Counselling and Guidance and are actively looking to include the equivalent in their child’s life.

Career Counsellors are entirely a part of the notable institutes and are rarely asked for guidance and encouragement. Government-run institutions and private schools as well, to a great extent, weren’t keen on having career counselors or resort to career guidance services. They believed that a student’s marks were enough of an indicator to determine his/her career. With the exposure given by the internet, individuals and education leaders started gaining awareness regarding what is Career Counselling and wherewith it is crucial for an individual’s development.

At first sight, it may seem strange that the importance of career guidance and counseling as a way of supporting students has been disregarded as something pro forma. It has been perceived as a kind of need that is met with the simple minimum effort from those who have always claimed to implement these services.

However, with recent innovations in technology, and the ease that it is being incorporated within the field of higher education to help students in selecting the career choices that may see them through to the success that they wish to achieve, the news is far more encouraging than it has been for career aspirants from a period as recent as a decade.

Ways in which technology is making an impact on the Industry:

1.   Providing Awareness: The Internet and its subsidiary referred to as social media has provided a significant scope for career counseling organizations to be recognized and reach the people. People can gain access to a record of great career counselors with a click of a button. To know the best career counselors in the city of Delhi, To know the best career guidance centers within the city of Mumbai.

2.   Insights and Knowledge: With the arrival of data learning and IoT counselors will gain relevant insight regarding individuals, the most advanced trends in education, the necessity for different industries, the scope of employment in diverse sectors, and the availability of opportunities for people.

3.   Distance Learning: Career Counselling involves an understanding of various psychological aspects and character behavior. These are crucial to creating the right career option for an individual.

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The First “Career Aptitude Tests”

The early 2000s saw the arrival of many formally classified career aptitude tests, which as the name suggests went past the usual center on marks and alternative methods of scholastic record, and in essence, helped pave the path for the styles of career guidance services that are available now.

These tests were centered on providing a completely different exposure to those seeking jobs however many relied on those who achieved the largest scores, or the quickest times. It was a move far from the earlier reliance on scholastic results to recognize the suitability of a person to a career role.

However, it only replaced the school and college transcripts with another score report that gave no real insight into additional key aspects of the person being tested. One of these key indicators as the possible employers wanted to put it, was whether the candidate was the best fit for the role that he or she was being viewed for.

 Nearly a decade later, the word “employability” began to appear in a discussion between firms that needed to continue having access to the human resources that they required, and the educational organizations and placement centers that they were administering for this purpose. It necessitated a shift away from the conventional methodologies employed, and any kind of simplified score sheet that indicated how skilled a potential job seeker was.

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Scientific, Conscientious Career Counseling

In countries other than India, the main focus on an employment seeker’s profile tends to go beyond the necessary qualifications and academic backgrounds that freshers are usually subjected to in this country. 

This holistic center on the three key areas means that an overall view of what an individual knows, is capable of doing with this information, and thereafter, what she or he will address becomes a part of understanding wherever she or he stands at that time. Finally, the individual will ascertain what is required to be done to get to where she or he desires to be in the future.

 In essence, one of the frameworks that such a body brings to the fore as a way of the understanding profession as a combination of all three areas of an individual’s career competence looks at:

 1) The experiences that a career aspirant has gained throughout life

 2) What learning has been derived from this expertise, or these experiences

 3) The application of this learning, which in turn gives rise to new experiences which will start this once again.

 If there is a difference in the information that results from the short analysis of what went on and how it has affected the individual career aspirant, then the career aspirant, or candidate is currently capable of delivering the significant changes in her or his own life, with minimum guidance.

New Solutions in Career Planning

There are various career assessment tools and career aptitude tests that are currently available in this country, offered by a variety of organizations, some by the very colleges that seek to promise a career that will result as a direct consequence of continuing education with them, for example.

However, the most crucial thing to keep in mind is not simply what any of these assessments tell the individual regarding her or himself, but also how actionable the results are in helping the individual to achieve the career that he or she picks out following careful thought of the knowledge that there is on the existing opportunities within the market as well.

The technology could be a powerful tool that has supported and modified career guidance in many ways, from composing it easier for counselors to design instructional materials to facilitating new ways for individuals to realize their career goals. With the worldwide reach of the Internet and the pervasiveness of smart devices that can connect to it, a new age of any time anyplace guidance is dawning. It will be up to Career Counsellors and Career Coaches to obtain the most of the opportunities provided by technology to transform the Career Guidance Industry so that effective and efficient guidance is offered to everybody everywhere.

Rakhul Kumar
Rakhul Kumar
Project Associate at IIT Madras || Instrumentation Engineering from Anna University |

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