CareerTop Ten Online Courses on the Internet Right Now.

Top Ten Online Courses on the Internet Right Now.

Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one? Well, I’d like to be a jack of all trades and master of one both. If you are a part of the crowd that likes to have it’s cake and eats it too, I’m sure you’ve been up to date with the rat race out there. Everyone is looking to diversify into different skills and hone in on their skill sets.

Especially in the environment that is out there, it important that we don’t let the cutthroat competition skewer us. And to stay ahead of the curve, you need to learn ahead of the curve. These days we have the internet, with a million sites offering both free and paid online courses to give you a feel of the subject. These courses range from personal development to technical training. Many of these courses are specifically to help you add something new to your resume and improve upon your skillset.

While Youtube has a lot of videos and podcasts specifically catering to learning new skills from numerous people, there is an authenticity about the course you’re taking. You will be learning from certified professionals, and some of these courses even provide you with a certificate for it.

10. Fundamental Marketing

Fundamental marketing is the same as what it sounds like; it teaches you the ABC’s of marketing. Customer approach and interaction, media presence, discussing prospects, organic marketing is an essential skill required in this world, where everything has to another. Your purpose as a salesperson, or a media manager, is to sell yourself and your brand image to a customer. You need to make them trust you, and in turn, trust the product that you’re selling.

Many of these courses now, even including marketing across the web, which is an essential skill now. If not, there are many other courses provided by mainstream organizations like Google itself that help you get the grip of web marketing.

Also read Top 10 interesting and unique courses

9.  Content Marketing

An aspect of creating a website or any domain to access clientele from is to have attractive and intriguing content. For industrial products, you need content that makes people trust that you know what you are talking about or are selling. And if you are selling services, or ideas and concepts, you need to convince your customer that your thoughts are worth their time. A lot of websites hire content writers and content developers to add to their webpages. These content developers specialize in improving the look and feel of a portal. While they do have some skills of their own, many of them, like learning what kind of content to develop, are all learnt on online courses. You can choose the type of content you want to build to market and choose from numerous online courses.

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8. Social Media Marketing

Based on a lot of data, there are statistics that an average person spends up to 3 hours on social media every day. Every day. Social media has a lot of mindless and some useful information. A lot is happening there in each second, and the modern mind tries to imbibe it all. You can use this opportunity to draw the desired clientele to you on the biggest gathering of people in the contemporary world. For example, you wish to sell a particular brand of lipstick. You know that your target clientele is women from the ages 20-50. You can find most of this age group on their social media, accessing it actively.

social media online course
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All that is left is to format your content appropriately, and you will watch your target clientele come like moths to a flame. And to do this, you need to know all the foundations social media works on and how every day it is changing to incorporate something new. To get with the times and harness the power that is social media, you need an online course. Social media marketing courses help you get into the nitty-gritty details of social media marketing within 24 hours. There are many online courses right now on sites like udemy and Coursera that help you  with this, at a time-independent pace

7. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Search Engine Optimization is exactly what it sounds like. Whenever you wish to look up something, like a word’s meaning, or an article on the best mobile phone under a specific price limit, you notice that there are individual sites that always seem to pop up over others. This is not because of some weird algorithm Google employs, or their choosing. It is merely because of search engine optimization. SEO details a specific set of rules, when adopted, can bump your website to the top of the list for the given keywords. These rules are succinct and short, but intricate. They need practice and time. And for that, we have online courses in Search Engine Optimization. The certificates obtained in these online courses can also help you improve the look of your resume, making you a better prospect for the internships you apply for.

Also read: Why choose a career in digital marketing

6. Coding and Developer Course

coding online course
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The most important of all courses right now. This technical online course dramatically increases your prospects of being employed in an internship or a job with high pay and even builds upon your skillset. One of the most significant demands in the job industry right now is a coder. With everything going online, there being more and more requirements for secure sites and more complex programs, a coder would be a crucial addition to the team. While a college degree is always ideal, a person with a  passion for coding could always look up online courses and diversify to their heart’s content, even getting certifications in the process. And with the job prospects being highly profitable, there are no regrets in taking up this online course.

5. Communication, Negotiation and conflict resolution

While most courses seem technical based, equipped to give you an edge over someone in this competitive job industry, some just aim to develop you as a person. Sometimes, we do as we learn and never realize the correct methods to approach and solve conflicts with people. Communication is an essential skill and tool to have in this world where man is a social being. Actively negotiating and defusing conflicts can have very positive influences on your personality and help in your growth as a human being. And there are a lot of courses, for low prices on Udemy that help you with just that.

4. Graphic Designing

A lucrative profession that is fast upcoming in this environment is graphic designing. People now more than ever need pictorial representations and amazing graphics convincing them to like something. It is fast becoming a see and impress world out there, and people who can create cutting-edge graphics and edit videos to perfection are essential in society. We see more and more youtube tutorials which depict what people are talking about through vectors than just a video of a person talking to a screen. And these vector designs are primarily credited to these graphic designers. While of course there are lucrative courses and degrees which explicitly teach this, there are also 20 to 24-hour courses on the same topic, covering the subject and art succinctly.

Also read: Why choose a career in marketing

3. Business and Finance

online courses business and finance
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Currency is the currency that runs the world. And to understand the way currency works would straight up put you at the top of the food chain. There are entire sciences attached to understanding the way money works. They also cover how everything can be decided simply by words or actions. A lot of money resides in business deals, in stock market gains and crashes, and every day brings with it new highs and lows. While all of it may seem boring to a layperson, once you understand the way money works, it is addicting to enjoy the science of money. There are a lot of online courses that divide up your topics to tackle and explain each aspect of the money-making or money understanding business. You can always opt for more straightforward courses and move on to more difficult ones as you keep on understanding.

2. Content Writing

As we emphasized earlier, content development is highly essential for a lot of businesses and companies. The brand that they project may as well dictate their sale value. And for this reason, they hire content writers to come up with exciting and articulate content to adorn their sites. Along with this, they also look for content writers who have a grip on the science of SEO. So if you have done courses on both SEO and content writing, there are high chances that you might get selected for a content writing internship. While there is not much money in this industry, it is a good starting point for all your passions.

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Before I’d begin, I’d like to tell you that psychological courses do not give you the certification to perform an analysis on your own. You are not a certified psychologist after a few courses; you need to get a degree for that. However, if you wish to learn about certain psychological tendencies and studies, you should go for it. Psychology is fun and informative at the same time. The primary purpose of courses like these is to give you a better tolerance and understanding about why people a certain way. Udemy and many other sites offer a plethora of courses on psychology, the science of mental health and many more which you can apply for, sometimes even free.

Those were our top ten list of online courses you can pursue right now. Utilise this time in quarantine to get ahead of the learning curve. Get the upper hand on your peers. You can learn more about other courses and sites to learn from in the video linked below.

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