HomeAmazing worldTechnology Has Metamorphosized The Global Fashion Industry

Technology Has Metamorphosized The Global Fashion Industry

The Digitisation Of An Industry

The fashion industry has always been fast-paced in welcoming changes, setting new trends or revamping traditional styles. From marketing to garment design, and manufacturing to sales, digitization has made its imprint in all the areas of fashion.

Following is a brief rundown on how the fashion industry is revolutionized by digitization and technological adoption, every day.

The role of social media

Ask millennials if they imagine shopping for fashion without checking on the smartphone their favorite social media influencers, other buyers reviews and pics of products on social media. Nowadays, all fashion brands have social media accounts dedicated to promoting and showcasing their aim, goals and new arrivals.

Social media is also a way for millennial consumers to bring up any complaints regarding the products or services purchased. Is that cheap but fashionable jumpsuit that you ordered online not looking the same on arrival? One Instagram post is sufficient to bring up a whole army of supporters and make the brand respond in a heartbeat.

Advances in 3D printing

The fact that we are right on the cusp of a revolution is perhaps the most evident in the advances of 3D printing technology. 3D printing technology brought in significant changes to the medical world and the fashion industry picks up the pace fast. One of the leading brands to have embraced the 3D printing technology is Nike official with its Flyprint sneakers that were tested in the London marathon this year.

Someday, fashion designers will put up their designs online, and fashion buyers with 3D printers at home will use such design to print own garments or even to sell them. Moreover, 3D printing can be a revelation in the world of fashion given the potential it has in reducing our carbon footprint by doing away with the shipping containers.

The advent of wearable tech

Wearables are no longer limited to being used as health or heart rate monitors. Wearables have made their forays into the world of accessories as well, thanks to smartwatches and Bluetooth cocktail rings. The race is on among the top fashion brands to bring new and innovative devices that make your lives more digital without compromising on the fashion quotient.

The things like Google glass and Hololens are not just for the nerds of the world. These are increasingly finding acceptance among the top fashionistas of the world. Loved watching the transformers and the cyborgs? Well, now maybe you can be a bit of that too but fashionably!

The new age trial rooms

Don’t we all hate the long queues at the trial rooms of any good fashion store? The online trial rooms ensure that you no longer need to go through all of those hassles anymore. The brands have come up with smart ways of measuring customer’s dimensions while they stay in the comfort of their homes. You can now open the shopping app on your phone and go to the trial section thereby putting in your measurement. Isn’t that super cool?

Even the offline stores have adopted the smart technology, and they are using lasers and camera to get the exact measurements of the customers to provide them with proper fittings. The focus is to provide the customers with as much ease as possible to enhance their shopping experience by getting the right size to their doorstep at the first attempt.

The fashionable and smart dressing

When it comes to intelligent clothing, the options at your service provided by fashion houses are endless. Want to sunbathe while charging your gadgets? Go for solar-powered fabrics that let you do both. Do you keep forgetting your coat at the bars? The clothes with in-built trackers in them ensure that you never leave the bar without taking your jacket.

The personalized t-shirts fitted with color changing LED lights to make sure that your style statement shines the brightest no matter where you are heading. The smart clothing is the answer to all the cool gadgets. These are the gadgets that once you could only hold in your hands or find in wearables. The best part of all these crazy but cool fashion innovations is that your comfort is never compromised for your style.

The fashion industry understands the need to keep up with the changes to stay relevant and saleable. So, the changes that you see now are just the tip of the iceberg. You can be assured that there are more exciting changes awaiting in the years to come.



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