MoviesAvenagers 4

Avenagers 4

Avengers Series is the Standout series as well as loved by many people all around the world:

The Story and Screenplay:

Story writing in the Avengers Series stands as the Backbone for the film’s success. The writers have a strenuous amount of workload as they have to write a story such that it connects all the dots i.e, it connects each and every character present in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So the plot has to be written so creatively that each character should precisely fit into the story well.

It should also be noticed that each character’s screen space and character development should be created in such a way that it should be logical and precise to the plot. The story of the series should also have elements which should look like the precursor of the previous movies released before the avenger’s series.

The story should kick off or start where the other movies have actually ended. So basically in a nutshell the story should carry the stories of the previous movies as a trailer and should showcase the main plot of the movie as its real feature film. This is the reason why the Avengers Series are popular as it brings around the storylines of the previous movies and club them into one basic main plot but the writing is so mainstream and excellent that it doesn’t look like a rushed movie rather it feels the Avengers movie is actually connected its storyline with the other movies.

The writing is written so wonderfully that the character development and even the portrayal of the character in the movie get etched into the hearts of the audience. Even the emotional moments, as well as other noteworthy moments, are written so nicely that the audiences emotionally get connected with the story of the movie. Now we can analyze the reason why each character in the Avengers Series has their own fan base.

The Script is written so lucratively that the audience does watch the whole movie at the edge of their seats. That is the experience the script provides to the Avengers Series. Also not to forget the way they add the additional humor content in the dialogues or the scenes which actually do not deviate from the main plot of the movie and also which does stay in the mind of the audiences that they keep on remembering the awesome scenes and the goosebumps worthy entrance scenes of their favorite characters.

The CGI (Computer Generated Imagery):

Everyone knows that Comic book adaptations are nothing but fictional stories. To bring such fictional stories into imagination is a very mammoth process. Even here imagination has to be so wild and creative that it should go beyond the power of thinking and cross the boundaries. Such wild imagination can be brought only through Computer Generated Imagery and Visual Effects (VFX).

But here is the catch, as we know comic book characters are not just mere human beings. They showcase superheroes that do the most impossible things in this world look easy. You can assume here itself how the workload of VFX will be. Upon that the VFX has to be done in such a way that the audience shouldn’t feel the VFX, they should feel as it is a part of the movie and they should connect with it as they connect with the story of the movie.

A minor deflection in the VFX will cause the audience to stray away from the movie and it also affects the flow of the movie. So a larger than life VFX is required to do the work here. And the Avengers movie promises us much larger than life VFX which actually gives us a thrilling ride while watching those.

The Action:

Superhero movies do require a lot of action. But in Avengers Series the action is on a different level. Here many Superheroes fight with many Supervillains. So the amounts of action scenes are literally more than we can assume. A simple scene in the movie might look like as if there is no action involved, but to make that scene look simple a good amount of action is involved which helps in looking the scene simple.

As it requires loads of action accurate planning at the same time lots of manpower is also required. And there is also a catch here, which is the action in superhero movies should look the way it is performed by superheroes and not by ordinary human beings. So the amount of action involved should be huge but it should be so enormous that it has to be performed by a superhero.

So the crew should design such a sequence which requires loads of stunt equipment but when the audience watches the movie they should grasp on each and every moment with enthusiasm and excitement. The action scenes should give exciting thrills to the audience by its work.

The action scenes have to be shot in such a way that it should make the audience believe that such actions can be performed only by superheroes, The Avengers series promise each and every line written over here which are again one of the reasons why the series is loved globally.

The Cast:

The cast is also one of the main reasons why the series is loved globally. The cast has to go so much into the character that the audience should actually believe that they are performing their lovable character as it is on the screen. The cast has to also undergo lots of training and preparation in order to match the character they portray on the screen.

As said by me before, each and every character in the Avengers Series has its own fan base, so the cast has to perform in such a way that fan base gets increased by their performance. For example Robert Downey JR. plays the character of Iron man, so he basically has to perform the character as a genius-billionaire which he does with ease and perfection. Chris Hemsworth plays the character of Thor, so he has to perform as a godly character and he should also look like one, and for that reason, he undergoes a lot of weight training.

Similarly, every cast member undergoes a lot of preparation to suit the character which they play on screen due to which their fan base increases.

The After and Post Credits Scene:

Just 30 seconds of after credits scene and around a minute of Post-credits scene does so much of magic to the whole movie that it actually glues the audience for the entire duration of the movie and also increases their anticipation and curiosity to watch the next follow-up movie.

These scenes also give us a euphoria of the movie which just happened and the aftermath of the movie which is going to happen. These scenes further ensure the audience that their cinematic experience is going to get bigger and bigger every day.

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