HealthcareWhat is PMS? All you need to know about its symptoms, causes...

What is PMS? All you need to know about its symptoms, causes and more

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is often a result of physiological, emotional, and psychological changes experienced by the woman a week or two weeks prior to her menstrual cycle. When a woman is going through PMS just before her period cycle is about to start, her body and mind undergo various changes due to hormonal imbalances. Here’s taking a deeper look at what PMS is along with its symptoms, causes, and common hacks to deal with it.

What is PMS?

PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, is a series of physical, mental, and behavioural symptoms that affect a woman’s menstrual cycle in the weeks leading up to her period. Women have various premenstrual symptoms.

During the days coming up to their periods, some women experience little to no discomfort other than slightly sore breasts and a sweet appetite. However, many women experience physical changes like sore breasts, bloating, and acute exhaustion, as well as behavioural and mental changes like strong mood swings, anger, and sorrow.

PMS is a normal component of a woman’s menstrual cycle, just like periods. PMS symptoms often last a few days and disappear once your menstruation begins.

What are the symptoms of PMS?

The symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman as some of them have physical symptoms of PMS, while others have emotional symptoms, and others have none. Different symptoms may appear at different stages in your life, and symptoms may grow more acute or moderate over time.

As they approach their late 30s or 40s, some women realize that their symptoms grow more severe and begin the perimenopause transition to menopause. Because hormone levels fluctuate in unanticipated ways in the years preceding up to menopause, this is more likely to happen in women who are sensitive to hormonal changes. Menopause causes PMS to disappear altogether.

Common physical symptoms are:

  • Tender or swollen breasts
  • Cramping
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Changes in appetite or food cravings
  • Gassiness, bloating, or weight gain due to water retention
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Headache
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Increased acne

Some emotional or psychological symptoms are:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Tension
  • Crying spells
  • Lower libido
  • Depressed mood
  • Insomnia
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Social withdrawal

Causes of PMS

PMS has no known cause, and the symptoms are so prevalent that determining a diagnosis can be challenging. Changes in the amounts of sex hormones and brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters are thought to cause PMS. PMS happens when hormones are out of whack, when estrogen levels rise and progesterone levels fall, either substantially or completely.

1. Hormonal cyclic alterations

2. Chemical changes in the brain

3. Depression

4.  Stress

5.  Lack of physical activity

6.  Smoking

7.  Sleep deprivation or insufficient sleep

8.  Excessive consumption of salt, alcohol, red meat, or sugar

The common hacks to deal with PMS

  1. Maintain a diet

PMS symptoms might be lessened by eating a healthy diet. Limiting sugar and salt-laden foods, as well as refined wheat and processed foods, can promote bloating and fluid retention. It’s also crucial to eat at regular intervals without skipping any meals, and to avoid eating anything within three hours of going to bed.

  • Exercise

Women may believe they lack the energy to exercise, but this is the most crucial time to do it because exercise helps to balance hormones. At least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, such as walking or swimming, should be done 4-5 times each week.

  • Rest well

Getting adequate sleep and enough rest might help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is sufficient.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and smoking

Alcohol, caffeine, and smoking must be reduced or eliminated from the diet to alleviate PMS symptoms.

  • Combat stress

PMS symptoms might be helped by reducing stress. Taking a hot bath at night, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or a massage are all excellent ways to reduce stress. Stress relief aids in hormone balance, so figure out what works for you and stick to it.

In conclusion:

With this information, we hope that you have got a better understanding about what PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome is and its symptoms, causes and ways to deal with it more effectively.

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