A Solider Dream For Peace

Cogitating the remnant horrors on diving back to the past,

The scintillating and indelible images that the battles always cast.
A soldier I was, profusely bleeding on the terrain of war.
Born with the trepidation of death, this is what I grew up to abhor.

Tell me what I incurred but wounds and scars?
Dwindled by enemies, my peers kept metamorphosing into stars.
Albeit I continued fighting, my spirits started to cease.
Little did I realize what I stupendously need was peace.

So does this world, blinded with aggrandizing greed.
On each other’s flesh, the ignorant humans would always want to feed.
This is no evolution, this is no progress.
Where under the shadows of danger, our kin is depressed.

Imagine a world where nobody kills for wealth or meat.
Imagine a world where we have expunged hatred and deceit.
Sleeping in the lush meadows and promenading a boulevard with calmness and ease,
THIS is the puissant weapon of harmony and peace.

What is essential for the world today is realization and affection to feed the starved.
What is essential for the world is harmony to embellish the path which we have unknowingly embarked,
What is essential for the world is compassion to alleviate the misery of our friends,
What is essential for the world is peace which never ends.

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