PoetryProfessional Tips for Writing a Poetry Analysis Essay

Professional Tips for Writing a Poetry Analysis Essay

Students write different types of essays, which have different purposes. They are assigned to teach young people some important skills and enlarge their experience. Essay writing is the most typical writing form with different types. One of such is to write an analysis of poetry. It seems easy. Students always use analytical thinking when they write scientifically-based essays. Of course, poetry isn’t a science but it’s likewise important to apply analytics to properly describe and explain a certain masterpiece.

A lot of college students aren’t able to withstand this serious test and ask academic writing companies to help. Thus, many of them write online questions similar to – Which writing company can write my essay for me? They know how resourceful such professional services like CustomWritings are and that they easily manage any piece of writing including a poetry analysis essay. However, you should be able to handle it on your own. Our guide with professional tips will help you.

Define and Understand Your Task

First of all, professionals recommend defining your assignment and learning the instructions. A poetry analysis essay focuses on a certain poem and explains it. A researcher ought to analyze, describe and explain different literary methods and poetical means, as well as lexical means, phrases, hidden symbolism, etc. It’s necessary to know three types of poetry, which are:

  • Artistic;
  • Functional;
  • Structural.

Secondly, you should realize your main objectives. You should understand:

  • The true meaning of the poem;
  • Its key ideas and images (explain why they were used);
  • Different techniques used by the poet.

You’ll surely deal with these points. After you define the purpose of your assignment, give heed to its structure. They are standard and include the introduction, argument (or a thesis statement), main plot, and conclusion.

The introductory part describes and even summarizes the selected piece of literature. This section provides a general background of the poem. It ends with the main argument. The argument states the main problem of your essay. The main plot develops your thesis and gives heed to technicalities, which are theme, rhyme, context, subject matter, style and even such features as punctuation and repetition. The conclusion provides your interpretation of the results.

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Crafting a Thesis Statement

It’s important to give special heed to your thesis statement. This is the central idea of the entire analysis. To craft a strong and clear thesis statement, you should ask two related sets of questions.

  1. What is the poem about? Why did the poet present it in that particular way?
  2. Why did the poet use specific words, symbols, metaphors, images, rhythm, and similar literary means?

If you manage to answer these questions, you’ll know what your thesis statement should be like. Remember that it should likewise reflect the main purpose of your poetry analysis.

Ask the Right Questions

Every essay analysis is based on a set of questions. You’ll face two issues. Firstly, you must be sure you put the right questions. Secondly, you should be able to find the right answers. This task is decisive, as well as complicated. Therefore, we’ll shed some light on the major aspects.

Subject Matter
Who wrote the poem? Is the poet’s life somehow related to the events and characters described in the literature piece? When was it written and in what country? Does it belong to a certain series of poems? To what literary movement is it referred to?
To what category does the poem belong? You should analyze it and compare with the most famous styles, which are epic, lyric, narrative, haiku, memoir, etc. 
Is the meaning of the title obvious? Does it open multiple opportunities? Are there some illusive and/or hidden traits? Does it have some historical foundations?
Repetition is a standard literary means and its value may be huge. Reread your poem several times to define if there are multiple repetitions. Why do they appear? How frequently the poet repeats certain words and/or phrases? How do they affect the text and tone?
Opening and Closing LinesOftentimes, the first and last lines discover the biggest value of the poem. What kind of information is stated there? What emotions does it provoke? Does it leave a lasting impression?
Passage of Time
What is the timeframe of the literary piece? Can it be figured out? Does the author leave some details, descriptions, and hints? Perhaps time doesn’t mean anything and so, it’s a timeless poem with a deep value relevant to all generations.
Basic Details
Sometimes poets provide many details or give only a few of them. Find out what it means Does the author conceal information with some hidden motives? Why are the significant facts left out?
The cultural aspect of any literature piece is of huge importance. Try to find out all the possible details. Does the poem stress definite cultural details? What can they mean? To what period and people are they referred to? Is any section written in a dialect or slang? Why?
What is the major subject of the poem? It can be youth, love, hatred, honor, dignity, betrayal, etc. Does the poet emphasize something and why?
Does the poem have a dominant rhythm? Does it increase or decrease the dynamism of the poem? Is it standard or uncommon?

Keep these or more tips in your mind. They definitely help to carry out an appropriate poetry analysis essay. Thus, you’ll receive only the highest grades.

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