LifestyleWhy is Snapchat so widely used?

Why is Snapchat so widely used?

People can’t always be in front of each other. You all are separated by some distance. Everybody is situated far from each other. But what makes you remain in touch and know about your loved one’s recent activities? How can you be together even after being far away? One great and obvious answer is the use of social media. Snapchat is one such social media platform. Using it, you can send snaps of your daily activities. For instance, reading a book, travelling, going to work, cooking or eating. It lets you send your moments as a message.

You can easily send a click of your activity to your friends who are connected to you via Snapchat. Any snap lasts for some desired period, say 10 seconds or so. After this desired period, this snap automatically gets erased off and can’t be replaced. It is a kind of ephemeral messaging platform which connects you with your dears. Being a technological application, people often have doubts, about how to use Snapchat. So, these below-mentioned guidelines will give you a brief sense of guidelines over its usage.

Start by setting it up in your device

How will you use Snapchat unless it’s not in your device? So start by learning how to set up this application. So, start by downloading it from the play store or ios. Open the app. Register in the app by filling up your details. These details include Date of birth, phone number, email, etc. A guideline pops up to choose your username. Find one carefully. You aren’t allowed to change your username later on. This way you have successfully created your account. Also, the application guides you through all the beginner’s steps. It will request you with some permission. Grant the ones that you want to. Now, your app is fully ready to make use of its features.

How will you use Snapchat to add your friends?

Social media is of no use unless you have a connected friend on it. Similarly, Snapchat will also be a platform of high jinks if you have your friends added with you. All your people are added to your contact list. Now, how to use Snapchat to add your friends? Simply allow Snapchat to access your contacts. This would tell you about all your people who are on Snapchat. You can easily send a request and add them to you. Or you may add your friends manually. Simply go on your profile page and tap add people. Type your friends’ username in the search bar and then add them. You may also use Snapcodes for this purpose. It is a unique QR code associated with every user.

Also Read : WhatsApp Web – how to use it!

Get a view of all Snapchat pages

You must know what all different pages are available on Snapchat and what are they used for. This gives you a brief as to how to use Snapchat and which page to refer to for desired work.

Camera Page

is the first page that you land in when you open Snapchat. This page has a camera that lets you click a snap or record a video. You may use the front or back camera as per your requirement. Once you are done with clicking your snap, you can bring in effects. You may use filters or add stickers and make it look much more eye-catchy. This page acts as a way to many other pages. So, you know how to use Snapchat to click pictures through this page.

Profile page

is the page that has your Snapchat info like snapcode, bitmoji, location on the map and so much more. You can view your profile by clicking the top left circle which outlines a person. From here you can see your friends list. Also, you can keep a check on various features of Snapchat like trophies and snap score.  

Friends page

You open the app, you directly land to the camera page. You will find a small chat option in the bottom left-hand corner. This bubble lets you to friends’ pages. You can find all your friends and the recent chats with them. If you want to keep a check on snapstreaks of your friend, you can do it from here. Chat with them, view their stories or place an audio/video call from this page. Now you know how to use Snapchat to access your friends’ page.

Memories page

How to use Snapchat to get access to already saved pictures and videos? So this is the right page. All your saved pictures of camera roll and Snapchat gets saved on this page. You can reach here by clicking the tab displaying at the bottom center of the camera page. You can send or upload your previously stored images.

Discover page

How to use Snapchat to know about your favorite and celebrities and event?

You can explore this page by tapping to the bottom right discover tab on the camera page. Or you can reach this page by simply swiping up. See stories of celebrities, food franchises like dominoes, beauty productions like Nykaa and what not.

How to use Snapchat with its features?

Why is Snapchat so widely used?

Snapchat has already created a buzz among youngsters. It is widespread especially among college and high school students due to its delightful and captivating features. Its features are something you should know. Once you get the knowledge of its features, you can easily get to know as of how is Snapchat used.

Make use of Lenses

comes with a wide set of filters ranging from the dog face, kid face, manly and womanly face, puking rainbow, dancing hotdog, pink glowy face, golden butterfly crown, tiara and a lot many more. All these lenses give you an entirely different look. At times, they are used as a beautification tool as well. Now how to use Snapchat lenses?  Open the camera screen. Adjust your face to get your favorite carousel. Lastly, click the lens, and you get your snap. It’s so easy; all you require is a proper adjustment so that the carousel fits in perfectly.  

Explore the Filters of Snapchat

Gives you a feature to use filters according to your location. These filters are known as geofilters. These geofilters may be according to the neighborhood or some famous buildings. Filters add a new look to your already taken snaps, whereas lenses add effects on the snaps you click on spot. There are many filters available on Snapchat like brighten, sepia, high contrast, black and white, neon, altitude overlay and lot many more. All you need to do is take a picture at first. Then swipe to see the available filters and tap the center button for whichever filter you like the best. So now you know how to use the Snapchat filter.  

Chat with your loved ones

Also, get the advantage of chatting with your loved ones on Snapchat. You can send and receive messages that disappear within seconds. But for this, you must know the username of your friend. How will you use Snapchat to chat with friends? When you open the Snapchat application, you are initially taken to the camera screen. You need to go to the Friends’ screen by swiping right on the camera screen. Then, type the username of your friend in the search tab and choose the ‘chat’ option to have a chat with your friend. Once you have a look at one another’s message, t gets deleted by default. But the group chats persist for 24 hours. You also get the advantage of saving your texts. To save your message, tap on it. Any saved message appears with a gray background which is visible to everyone.

Share and view Stories

Can tell about your activities by sharing photos or short videos. It tells your friends about your day to day activities and let them be in touch with you. These stories disappear after some time. You can share your timeline with your loved ones. Also, you can view the stories of people who are added to your friends’ list. You can go live and share your life moments. Open your Snapchat application and move to Send To screen to send your story.

Add your snap that you wish to share a story. It will go to all your selected friends. You can save your stories. Also if you feel to delete your story, you may. You can keep a close watch on who all have viewed your story. You need to go to your profile and tap on the circle near your username. So now you know how to use Snapchat to share your movements and exercises.

Create your Bitmoji

About using a Snapchat feature to get an animated version of you? Bitmojis are your replica. But, it is in a cartoon manner. You can get your bitmoji in various postures and expressions. Now how will you use Snapchat to create your bitmoji? Open the Snapchat app. Go to your profile and click Add Bitmoji. You will be asked to install a new app for creating bitmoji. Follow the respective app guidelines and create a new Emoji that looks just like you. Now you can send the bitmoji while chatting with friends. It’s fun using this feature.

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