Often a time you struggle to get ideas on what to write and end up in a situation of writer’s block. But this situation is normal farrago which almost all come across and find it difficult to get over. However, ideas are like an unwanted pimple which bulges out when least expected. When you will hunt for an idea they won’t come rather it comes in an unusual time and place, but that’s the real essence.

When I was in graduation, I had a teacher who would bring a bag full of props like spectacles, ball, pen and many more. He called that a ‘treasure box’, and asked us to pick any one of the props blindfolded. We were supposed to write a story based on that prop be it a personal experience or anything. Sometimes, he will half describe a situation and we have to weave the story further. Yes, he was not only teaching us writing ideas but also he was enhancing our imagination power, the power to think deeply and expand our way of looking at the things.

Having said that, there are many ways from where you can get writing ideas, which is unique yet common. Listing below ten ways from where to get ideas to keep your pen moving:

1. Reading 

This is an interesting read
This is an interesting read

Books are the best friend of man, they demand nothing but gives many thing!

No doubt if you write then you are a keen reader. As we all know, books are the best companion of man and it’s true. By reading I didn’t mean only novels of great writers rather it can be anything you like. It can be a comic, mythological book, history books, magazines or even blogs you find interesting. The idea behind this is to get an inspiration which will drive you to write a wonderful piece. To gain the mastery of your craft in writing you need to read a lot to different authors as well to understand their writing style, but develop your own. 

2. Watching movies/ series 

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Entertainment and learning – killing two birds with one stone .

There is no single person on earth who doesn’t like to watch movies or series. These movies and series are one of the best sources of entertainment that offer a happy moment from our hectic life. Along with entertainment, it can serve your other purpose be it a mainstream movie or an art cinema. It opens a door for enormous innovative ideas, even a single dialogue can trigger off your brain to grab your pen. In the past recent years, we are gifted with stupendous movies and series, offering a plethora of genres. So the next time you binge-watch any series make sure to get an idea with that.

Also Read Top 10 best podcast editing software for every level

3. Listening Podcast 

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A unique way to get writing ideas through Podcast.

There is no second opinion that Podcast audios are worth listening. You have plenty of options from motivational speeches to knowledgeable content. This can turn out to be a unique source for writing ideas. The ardent speakers presenting their part with a positive approach drive you to stay active and stir your creative thoughts. The interview podcasts by the authors of the groundbreaking novels train your ears to listen better and write best. A good listener makes you a good speaker in the same way it can make you an incredible unique writer. As you have gained enormous knowledge just by listening to a podcast in your leisure time, isn’t it amazing! 

4. Stay Updated 

No matter in which field you are in, one must be familiar with what is happening around them. Listening news makes you aware of the problems of society. Let’s take an example, suppose you read in a newspaper that people are polluting some beautiful tourist place by throwing garbage here and there. You come up with a blog describing a serene beauty of the place and also about the present condition with some harsh reality check and with proper solution. 

Keep yourself up to date !

People love reading about their near areas or what’s happening around them. It can be a global concern or just a fact about your society, it’s a way to put your opinion. Khaled Hosseini while watching the news on television in 1999 heard that Taliban has banned the sports of kite flying. He was so moved with this news, as this sport was deeply rooted in his childhood memory of Afghanistan. He with heavy heart wrote a small story of two boys flying a kite which later developed into one of the greatest novel ‘Kite Runner’.

5. Through personal experience 

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Let the world know – Share your beautiful stories.

People go through a lot of ups and downs in their lives. I don’t think it is wrong to say that every individual faces a somewhat similar kind of situation or problem in their daily life. Since we all are human and we all struggle and juggle to make our life best. Therefore, by sharing our personal experience there are chances that the reader can resonate with that, which matters for a good writer. Even if nobody has gone through similar issues there is no harm in sharing your happy, sad, winning and losing stories. Observe your problem, do extensive research on how to solve it, let people know and help them out. 

6. Observe your social media account 

Some scroll for more hours some for few, but everyone does! Don’t simply use social media rather closely observe the details, we never know it can give a pretty good writing idea for your write- up. Watch meticulously what people like, share and talk about. Social media is something from where you can get ideas from your target audience themselves and it’s a win-win situation for you. Look into your Instagram account and the pages you have liked, a food blogger, a travel enthusiast, fitness freak and a photographer, isn’t beautiful to observe? It opens enormous opportunities to write something on health, food, travel and many more. 

7. Observe nature

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Chirping birds and lush greenery gives a power to wide open your wings of imagination. Don’t you think lucid blue sky says something? In the lap of nature and mind without stress has more capacity of thinking a brilliant idea. You feel relax and rejuvenated away from the clutter of the city crowd. The natural view has a positive effect on your mind and provides serenity which is highly demanded for a good writing idea. Just strolling amidst the beautiful nature awakes your innermost feelings and keeps you mentally, physically and spiritually sound. 

8. Travelling

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Everyone loves travelling and exploring new places like beaches, mountains or any new resort in your city. It not only makes you ecstatic but at the same time introduces you to the various facets of places. You observe people and unleash various culture, lifestyle and religion. This broadens your mind and gives you a perspective to think beautifully and pen it down. It gives you an authentic character, fresh ideas and natural plots, the world opens up with vast opportunities when you travel. Have you checked out the newly opened food cafe in your area? Go and grab some food and unleash your creative imagination to generate ideas for writing. 

9. Talking to strangers 

From the childhood days, we have been taught not to talk to strangers! Having said that, I assume you are smart and grown-up enough to sort out that to whom we must talk. But being a writer you have to come out of this cliché. Sometimes you will be amazed by talking to strangers as everyone on this earth is gifted with some unique quality. Many a time you will vibe up with the stranger or at times your perspectives will be different, but that is the real essence of communicating with unknown. A deep conversation in a long journey of a train or just a few chit chats with a fruit vendor, interacting with strangers can give you a different outlook to think. Keep yourself in other’s shoes for a while. However, it’s not mandatory if you are not comfortable then it’s totally fine.

10. Hobbies 

Hobbies never allow you to get bored rather it brings out your hidden talent!

We humans are unique in our way, some like sweet some like bitter. Not only we have a different tongue for foods but also we have a different set of liking and disliking for other stuff as well. Everyone is born unique and has inherited a hobby of their choice. And I think everybody has some kind of past time reserved for them. This is the only thing which doesn’t need other’s validation, it’s simple you enjoy it hence you do it. Paulo Coelho’s book ‘The Archer’ is inspired by his archery practices. He loved archery so much that he thought he will definitely write something about it, and the result is unbelievable. 


So these are some of the ways from where you can get ideas to write something exceptional. However, we never know the greatest ideas can hit you at the most mundane moment. But make sure when you are involved in any of the above-mentioned stuff keep your eyes and ear open to come up with some wonderful writing ideas. Till then keep writing!

Anjali Pandey
Anjali Pandey
An avid writer and vivacious reader! With a keen interest in writing, my first professional work was as a freelancer at The Telegraph newspaper, after that I worked in many writing areas. Having a background in Mass Communication writing always fascinated me. I believe when words are weaved together exquisitely it has the power to move the world. When I don’t write and read you can find me sketching and enjoying songs!

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