Workout tips when you are on the WHOLE30 diet
 People become very unrealistic and want instant results which is not possible in one day. So here are some of the tips you must know so as to keep the motivation going.
Be realistic
If you are new to working out and have decided to use Whole30 diet for creating a much healthier lifestyle for yourself, Congratulation because you are making the right decision. But as people often get hyped up when they are about to start something new which requires commitment and dedication, they try to give it their all in one go. Which is good but you must stay in control of that overexerting desire and stay realistic with your goals. Be realistic about the outcomes of this major lifestyle shift otherwise, you will risk burning out before you have even started.
If you have never worked out or adapted to a intensified fitness routine with diet, and wake up one morning and decided to adapt with Whole30 diet saying to yourself that you will be working out five days a week, then please try staying realistic and understand that its too much to handle this soon.
Keep your focus on feeling good while following Whole30 diet rather than overexerting yourself with adapting to new eating habits and workouts simultaneously. Enjoy the toxin free diet and the way your body feels. The best way to start is by starting with three days a week having proper rest days and adapting to the sugar detox diet.
For week one, try pilates to engage your core and then eventually mix it up with high intensified routine. Then take rest days in between, observe your body and the way you feel about the effects of the workouts and diet. Then next week try working out for four days a week and perform a workout routine accordingly. Shift the workout routines in aspects of intensities and have proper rest days and observe the changes in your body. Make sure you don’t exhaust yourself which might lead to injuries.
Listen to your body
You will always have to make some adjustments to your workout routine while on the Whole30. No matter how fit you already are, your body is still going through a major shock due to the carbs and sugar being cut off your diet.
Your body response to the workouts you do greatly depends on the diet. While you decide to adapt to the Whole30, your body’s requirements are already fixed due to the recent diet habits. So on Whole30, your body will absolutely take some time to adapt to the whole new diet and accordingly the body requirements will get altered.
So listen to your body, see for yourself how your body is responding to the new diet and what are the effects of workouts you are doing while being on Whole30. You might have to change your workout plan, if your body is getting tired early then just pull back a little bit on your intensity. Because you may be still working out five days a week but may be you are not going at your 90 percent effort level. So try making adjustments in your workout routine because the Whole30 is mainly for detoxing your body. So listen to your body and see if you are having headaches or feeling dizzy after workout and its taking long to recover then reassess.
Pre-workout snack options
While on the Whole30 a pre-workout snack will help fighting the fatigue. You can try almonds and a piece of a fruit that is easy to digest before workout. As they have sugar and healthy fat with bit of proteins.
Diet requirement differs in all bodies. But as long as we are talking about pre-workout snack, it must be a combination of little bit of sugar, healthy fat and protein. These kind of snacks will boost up your energy levels helping you through your workout in no time. And after 14-15 days your energy will increase considerably because your metabolism is focused. And you will have better quality sleeps and your body will not be taking time in processing sugar like when you consumed the carbs that breaks down into sugar. That’s a relief!
Buddy system
Try having a equally devoted partner or buddy, they will help you through your diet by monitoring your fitness state and the changes. Buddy system will help you stay devoted as both of you will be monitoring each other and help each other with motivation to stay on the diet. Its like having fun along with competing. You bud will help you with your workouts and suggest you to make alterations accordingly. And of all the reasons to include this buddy system, the most alluring one is that Working out with buddies is sure fun.
Make a plan
Make a plan by deciding on how many rest days must be included in your weekly workout routine, what proportion of food should be taken, and also about the exercises you will be doing. Decide the workout plan best suitable for your body and adhere to that plan with dedication. Don’t take risks by overexerting yourself which might lead to injuries.
Set some goals
While planning out your workout routine, try setting up some realistic and achievable weekly goals. Like working out four days a week without experiencing fatigue or including more intensifying exercises after carefully and successfully completing the first week plan.
Achieving those short term goals will boost up your motivation and you will remain dedicated to the Whole30.