As nowadays when everyone is approaching cloud services then you can see the name of two big industry giants comes into light. The first is AWS or Amazon AWS other one is Microsoft Azure.
Are you also having some doubts about these services?
Usually, users get confused that if both of them are providing cloud solutions so which cloud service they have to choose between Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure.
Are you looking for upgrades also?
I know Users often want to know how they can upgrade using cloud services. So in this topic, I am going to help you to understand both of these cloud solutions and suggest you the best one according to your team requirements so that you can choose the appropriate one.
So without wasting a single second let’s begin with the topic discussion.
First of all, start with the first thing that what is Amazon AWS, and how it works?
The Amazon web services exist earlier than Microsoft Azure. Amazon is providing a high range of profit through its cloud services. Being a toolset it is growing at a fast rate.
Are you familiar with the types of service Amazon provides? I will help you to understand it.
Amazon supports three types of services such as platform as service, Software as service, and Infrastructure as service. Amazon provides four services such as compute, content delivery and storage, Networking, and database. The released period for Amazon is the year 2006.
Now let’s understand and discuss all your doubts about Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Azure is made available by Microsoft in the year 2010 and is also known as Windows Azure. You can access various services like analytics, networking, storage, and cloud services using Microsoft Azure.
It provides two types of services. First is Platform as service & second is infrastructure as service. The services provided by Microsoft Azure are data management, networking, compute, and performance.
But which service suits best for your business depends on your system requirements.

Do you still doubt that which service is best AWS or Azure?
So ok, I am here to clear your doubts.
On comparing you can consider that both of them are quite similar in providing the services. They even do perform the same type of functions and similar tasks in various areas.
You can consider both of them provide various cloud services like self-service, auto-scaling, compliance, and security. But on average you can say the services provided by Amazon are quite more as compared to Microsoft Azure.
If you talk about the computing power that is an important need for any IT industry you will prefer cloud service that supports high horsepower. The Amazon services make use of EC2 that is elastic cloud computing.
Maybe you are thinking about what elasticity means in the context of cloud service?
From the elastic keyword, you can understand that such a cloud can allow resources to grow or shrink according to need. The AWS EC2 can also configure virtual machines themselves or use already configured machines.
But the Microsoft Azure has to make use of VHD to create a virtual machine. The main difference is EC2 of AWS has various options available for scalability while Azure has to take the help of other tools so that they can deploy applications.
Another point while choosing any cloud service is storage. In this area, both of these platforms are best. AWS makes use of machine instances to provide temporary storage. You can either create a storage instance or destroy it later.
But the Microsoft Azure provides the storage through D drive and block storage. It provides hot and cool storage. The object size of AWS is 5TB while Azure has 4.75 TB.
If you talk about the database point both of these platforms support a robust database.
Amazon is compatible with various database engines say Amazon Aurora, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, and PostgreSQL.
On the other hand, Azure is supporting only the Microsoft SQL database. The Azure platform provides a user-friendly interface to work using which you can easily write database queries.
Azure and Amazon provide their users with well-maintained firewall services so that users can extend the data center premise. Azure makes use of a virtual network while Amazon provides security through a virtual private cloud.

Last but not least I hope you might have a pricing question? Is that so? Ok so let me tell you about it.
I know the most important factor is the price. Amazon charges its users as per hour use and you can buy instances. The pricing strategy of Amazon is based on per-minute use. You can also use monthly plans. Along with that you also get more services like BT MPLS Express route pricing.
In conclusion, you can say both of these platforms are equally strong as they are proving good services. The only point is that AWS came earlier in the market for proving cloud services.
Various organizations over the globe trust Microsoft’s solution more as it is available everywhere.
The companies integrate easily with Azure as compared to AWS. The only shortcoming of Azure is that it is just young than AWS and not much enterprise-ready. The only issue with AWS is its price that is quite high.
So through all of this information provided, you can choose the best cloud solution for your industry requirement. Both of these cloud services have their advantages and disadvantages but the important thing is that we have to analyze the technology fact also. So overall I can say that it is very difficult to put the question on any of the service providers.
Yet I can say Microsoft Azure is the first choice of many industry oriented organizations as it allows others to learn about their services and even provides good services. In my opinion, if you need infrastructure as a service you can use Amazon service.
If your requirement is for windows integration or says platform as service you can opt for Microsoft Azure. Hope the article is quite informative for you. Thanks for reading.
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Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS?
Are you having queries regarding AWS and Amazon? See here is an answer to it. The Amazon web services exist earlier than Microsoft Azure. Amazon is providing a high range of profit through its cloud services. Being a toolset it is growing at a fast rate.

In other words, Microsoft Azure is provided by Microsoft in the year 2010 and is also known as Windows Azure. You can access various services like analytics, networking, storage, and cloud services using Microsoft Azure.
Both of them are quite popular in the industry. AWS is up to some extent easy configure the VMS while Azure has to choose the virtual hard disk itself. AWS makes use of temporary storage using instances while Azure uses block storage temporarily.
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Which cloud is better AWS or Azure?
You might be pretty unsure about the better cloud service for you. But you can say both of these platforms are equally strong as they are providing good services. The only point is that AWS came earlier in the market for cloud services.
Various organizations over the globe trust Microsoft’s solution more as it is available everywhere. The companies integrate easily with Azure as compared to AWS.
The only shortcoming of Azure is that it is just young than AWS and not much enterprise-ready. The only issue with AWS is its price that is a bit high.

Also, I make your understanding clear about AWS and Azure by sharing some examples as follows:
NASA is using the AWS cloud for storage purposes. Even AWS provided an alert for the floods in Cambodia. So the nonprofit organizations prefer AWS.
But that does not mean Azure has less value. It is used in Weka Smart Fridge for vaccination storage.
Which has more jobs AWS or Azure?
You have to understand that the job market keeps on changing as per demand in the industry. Various surveys related to Job search and Job Postings keep on vary as per the yearly analysis.

But you can also say that Microsoft Azure and AWS are giving a tight competition to each other. Search results for AWS kept on decreasing. But there is a bounce in Microsoft Azure.
As I mentioned that the market keeps on changing means you can say that in recent scenarios the top platform is AWS while Microsoft Azure is ranking next to AWS.
Is Azure easier than AWS?
I think being an IT person you may also have the query that is it easy to learn Azure or AWS. In a few surveys, the overall result came out. It tells you that if you are from a windows background then you can easily learn Microsoft Azure as you are already familiar with the Microsoft technologies.

Few other people feel that Microsoft Azure is a bit easy in starting but later it get complicated to figure out. The main advantage of AWS is that it is easy and simple as nice documentation is provided related to AWS.
So I think you have to once do a complete analysis of your requirements and interest.
Is AWS certification worth it 2020?
One has to take AWS certification if any only if you have interest and knowledge in that field. I even want to add in a very important point that means certification is having all the things related to theory only and very little or no practical at all.

So the task of design any solution in AWS is quite different or difficult as compared to having AWS certification because in the interview the questions will be asked for real working and not for theory. If you are having an interested in taking the certification you have to spend at least 80 or 120 hours for study.