Students often feel scared as exams are close. They feel it difficult to remember the concepts. Managing the time to study during the exams is needed. It is a tough process if students do force study. During exams, don’t let yourself stressed. It is very important to realize that time management is the key to success. Exams are a nightmare for the one who ignores textbooks the whole year. I will try to give some tips that help you in achieving success. You will be aware of certain things before exams. In this blog, we will discuss the top 13 exam preparation tips.

Following are the tips:

The organization of the study area

Everyone has a different way of learning. Some people love to learn in study areas whether some people prefer the bedroom. Some people use the library to study. It merely depends upon you, where to study. Firstly, you have to organize the area, so that it works for you.  Make sure wherever you study, it is free from noise and other distractions. You can spend quality time in your studies there. You should feel comfortable there. Many students prefer learning in the early morning or some are night birds. So it’s up to you how you organize your learning area.

Planning is the key

Planning is an important part of time management.  Planning can do wonders. It helps you in so many ways. You can make planning by following ways:

  • Make-to-do list: It helps you in better management of tasks. Lists help in simplifying the tasks. You can simply draft your weekly plan. Mention deadlines for completion of the task as well.  During study time, you can make a list of subjects and chapters which you have to finish in the upcoming week. It helps very much in learning.
  • Alarms: Alarms help you to wake up on time. You can use alarms for tracking your work progress.
  • Make a wall planner: You use charts for this also. Start investing your 10 minutes in writing on the chart that you supposed to do this week. Paste that on the wall of your room. It will help you in reminding you what is the next step. How to start working for that. It keeps you reminding about the latest things that you will need to do.
  • A set period of learning:  Keep on analyzing how much time is spent on completing one lesson. By doing so, you can set various things.

Study in bits

Studying doesn’t mean that you have to grasp the whole unit in one day.  You can study in bits. I mean learning small portions daily,  it will not only help you to memorize the things during exams but also helps in managing your time to learn daily.

Follow up revision

Revision is very much needed. After completion of the syllabus, take some time to go through it once. It helps you in retaining things.

Take small breaks

Small breaks between study matter a lot. It not only helps in retention but also helps to keep yourself away from getting bored. You can learn things with proper focus by following this approach. You can eat, sing, play anything you want to do can do in this period.

Know your learning style

Every people has a different way of learning. All students can’t learn similarly. You need to discover your learning style. Here, learning style means refers to the way which helps you to grasp the things very quickly. There are no fixed rules that you have to use one way of learning only. The following are the methods of learning.

  • A visual way of learning: This kind of learning involves multiple diagrams and colors in notes. Some students use this idea to remember the concepts.
  • Auditory way of learning: This involves the learning in which learning is done by listening to the things. Here notes are discussed with friends or other people.
  • Tactile way of learning: This way of learning moves around the concept of learning by doing. Role-playing and building models are used in this.

Study daily

Daily study means giving your time to learning. If you find time to review the concepts, this will help you in grasping the things. You don’t need to do cramming at the last minute. Just give 1 hour daily to revising the things that are taught in the class. It will surely help you.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water helps you in many ways. Drinking water during study time rejuvenates your mood. Moreover, it also helps you keep yourself hydrated. Drinking water in between study doesn’t allow you to yawn between study.

Do group study

Group study is the way of exchanging notes and thoughts. Group study allows you to share ideas and concepts. You can solve the problem of your group members and vice versa. This helps you a lot in retaining the concepts.

Practice old exams

During exams, some times you face difficulty in learning so much. Practicing old exams can assists you in both ways. Like in case, if you have covered all the syllabus, it is a good idea to see old papers and practice the things. On the other hand, if in case there is something left out, you can also practice old papers, your main concepts can be covered through it.

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Make notes

Note making is a good way to enhance your learning outcomes. What you learned is better managed if you have to make notes in your language. You can read it according to your comforts. Your handwritten notes are not as tricky as textbook explanations.

 Take a nap

You can go for a little sleep say for 30 minutes between your studies. It will help you in memorizing things. Your brain will get time to relax.

Stay Motivated

Don’t feel discouraged or demotivated. Students often feel low when they are unable to learn things on time. It’s better to work on time, make a plan and go with the wave. Keep listening to motivational speeches that help you to stay encouraged always.

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It will be better for the student if they take a study and learning process in a fun way. Don’t feel overburden with studies. Management makes everything proper. So be dedicated and punctual. In this blog, we have discussed the top 13 exam preparation tips. If you are having any doubt feel to ask me in the comment box.

Palvi Soni
Palvi Soni
Palvi Soni is a researcher, blogger and content writer who loves to write on different topics. She has completed her M.Tech in Computer science and Engineering in 2019. She loves to explore more and more knowledge and feel happy to share her views with the world. Stay tune for multiple articles based on career, lifestyle, technology and many more..!!!

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