Many people love the atmosphere of working from 9-5 timings but some people have been indulged in freelancing for so many years. Freelancing as is clear from the name is let you free from the strict Boss, you can be your boss, work on your demands, on your timings. This blog is all about the pros and cons of freelancing. Before moving towards freelance pros and cons, firstly it is essential to know the meaning of freelancing.
What is Freelancing?
The contract-based profession where you can have several clients based on your skills and services, instead of being working as an employee for the organization is called freelancing. Here you have to get committed to multiple clients depending upon your knowledge and skill set. You can work from home in freelancing, work at any time, earn as much money as you want. During freelancing, there is a contract between you and the employer that you need to fulfill in terms of work submission and the client needs to fulfill in terms of payment provision.
Who Is A Freelancer?

The person who earns money by giving services to varied clients is called a freelancer. It is not sure that you can earn more than your regular job, but yes you have the flexibility to do work according to your choice.
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Various Pros and Cons of Working as a Freelancer
Pros of Working as a Freelancer
Freelancing allows you to Pick Favorite Clients
In freelancing, you can choose the client, the organization that you want to work with. This way you can upgrade your skill and knowledge in one area.
Freelancing Gives You Flexibility
As we said earlier, there is no bossy behavior and control in freelancing. You can be your own and control and manage your timings perfectly. While working in an organization, you have to be strict with your work and submit work at proper timings that can sometimes disturb your social life too. But in the case of freelancing, you don’t need to work like this. Here you can give your deadline time and work accordingly. Moreover, you have the full chance to enjoy your social and as well as work-life balance.
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No Bossy Rules in Freelancing
During freelancing, you can enjoy your work as you don’t need to follow commands of anyone as you have to follow in a regular 9-5 job. You can simply plan and execute your work as you want to do so.
Commitment to Yourself only
In Jobs, the salary and perks are fixed and any employee gets promoted after one year or so. But in the case of freelancing, you can earn as much you want. If you are committed that you have to earn more than 200$ per project than you can exactly do that.
Exposure To Varied Industries
In regular jobs, you have to do the work of one to two clients on regular basis. But in the case of freelancing, it is not the same as we are thinking. Freelancing provides you to have multiple clients, which for sure belongs to multiple industries. So this way, you can have more exposure to different industries. Your links will be build up by this.
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Freelancing Makes You Independent
In freelancing, you can decide which client can pay a good amount of money to you and take your business decisions by own. This way you become more independent.
Cons Of Freelancing
Seasonal Work
Freelancing although helps you to make a lot of money, on the other hand, this work is not regular. Let us take an example, suppose you got an ABC client in January and he/she liked to work with you for 4 months. But what after four months? You need to search for a new client. Are you fully assure that you will get the client immediately after that? No, a big no..!! So freelancing is not for regular income flow.
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Freelancing has Fluctuations in Earnings
During 9-5 Job, you know that for one month, you will be paid 370-400$ per month. But what about freelancing? In some projects, you can make 400$, but on the other hand, some projects can pay you only 100$. So there is a huge fluctuation in the earnings. It even creates difficulty in paying your bills and rents too.
Lack of Benefits
When you are an employee of the company, you get varied benefits but this is not possible in the case of freelancing. Freelancers deprive of insurance and health benefits. They have to do their funding on their own.
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Final Thoughts
Everything has its pros and cons, what do you want to be? Working as a regular employee or working as a freelancer? Freelancing although gives you immense benefits it has cons too. It all depends upon the work commitment and time management skills. In this blog, I have discussed the pros and cons of freelancing. I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog. If you want to seek any information regarding freelancing, you can ask me in the comment box.