CareerUGC NET 2018-19 : December Application, Eligibility, Dates, Pattern, NTA and other...

UGC NET 2018-19 : December Application, Eligibility, Dates, Pattern, NTA and other Important Details  

UGC NET December 2018 Application Form has been discharged now on first September 2018. National Testing Agency (NTA) holds the National Eligibility Test (NET) for the benefit of University Grants Commission (UGC). UGC NET is meant for the post of Assistant Professor which is also known as the Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor both. Such applicants are additionally qualified for the post of Assistant teacher in Indian schools/Universities. UGC NET exam is led two times in a year. Applicants can read this article encourage for getting data about UGC NET 2018 including application shape, qualification, dates, result and so on.

The individuals who are seeking after their lords (last year) can likewise apply. Such hopefuls must finish their graduate degree or proportionate examination inside two years from the date of NET outcome with the required level of a stamp.

The individuals who have Ph.D. degree and whose experts level examination had been finished by September 19, 1991 (independent of the date of affirmation of result) will be qualified for an unwinding of 5 for each penny in total imprints.

So, go through this articles and get to know all the important things which a candidate must know before applying for the UGC NET 2018-19.

UGC NET 2018-19 Exam Date

UGC NET is held two times in a year through disconnected mode. Competitors can check official dates of UGC NET 2018 exam from here:

For the December Session:

Events Dates (Revised)

Discharging of authority notification 31st August 2018
Application frame release 1st September 2018
Last date to submit application 30th September 2018


Last to submit fee 1st October 2018


Application correction


8th –14 October 2018
Admit card available 19 November 2018
Exam Date 9-23 December 2018
Result 10 January 2019

UGC NET December 2018 Application Form

Hopefuls wishing to apply for UGC NET 2018 need to fill the application shape online just on the official site of UGC NET (connection will be given above).

  • The application frame is discharged from first September 2018.

  • No application will be acknowledged after the last date.

  • Aadhaar card is important to apply for UGC NET 2018.

  • The application procedure comprises of four stages viz. fill the application frame, transfer filtered photo and mark, pay the examination expense and print affirmation page.

  • There is no compelling reason to send the printout of affirmation page.

  • NTA will likewise give the remedy office in UGC NET application shape 2018.

Application Fee:

The application charge of UGC NET 2018 shifts class insightful. Application expense once paid, isn’t refundable or transferable under any conditions. Charge points of interest are as per the following:

Category Application Fee
GEN Rs. 800/
OBC-NCL Rs. 400/
SC/ST/PWD/Transgender Rs. 200/

Method of Payment:

Application charge is payable through credit/check card or through e-challan. Hopefuls presenting the expense through e-challan need to make the installment in real money to Syndicate/Canara/ICICI bank.

UGC NET 2018-19 Application Correction

Hopefuls will have the capacity to make a revision in the pictures and additionally in filled information. The application information will be redressed from the long stretch of October 2018. The redress will be done just through online mode. No changes/redress will be permitted after the last date.

Qualification Criteria

For each examination, there is a particular qualification criterion that applicants need to satisfy, on the off chance that they wish to apply for that examination. The states of qualification for UGC NET 2018 is given underneath:

Capability Eligibility:

Qualifying Examination: Masters or equal degree from Universities/Institutions perceived by UGC.

  • Subjects: The qualifying examination must be passed in subjects like Humanities (counting dialects) and Social Science, Computer Science &Applications, Electronic Science and so on.
  • Least Marks: The level of imprints required in the qualifying examination is 55% (half stamps if there should be an occurrence of SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwD classifications).
  • Showing up Candidates: Candidates showing up for conclusive examinations towards a Master’s qualification (or proportionate) are additionally qualified to apply.
  • Unwinding: Relaxation of 5% checks in qualifying examination will be given to Ph.D. degree holders whose ace’s level examination had been finished by nineteenth September 1991.

Age Criteria:

For Lower Primary School:

Age Limit: The most extreme age confine is 30 years as on first December 2018.

Unwinding: 5 years unwinding in the upper age breaking point will be given to OBC-NCL, SC, ST, transgender and PwD class hopefuls. Unwinding will likewise be given to the hopefuls having research understanding. Applicants having LL.M. degree will be qualified for a long time unwinding in age.

There is no age constraint for applying for Assistant Professor.

Aadaar Card:

In reference to a warning for UGC-NET(November) 2017 distributed in the newspapers with respect to the timetable of filling on the web application for the said examination, the following is being educated:

The utilization of Aadhaar for the candidates of UGC-NET(November) 2017 will result from inexactness of the candidates’ subtle elements. This will likewise help in determining characters of the candidates at the examination focuses on an advantageous and bother free way. Aadhaar hinders the requirement for delivering numerous archives to demonstrate one’s personality.

The arrangements of the Aadhaar Act and Regulations under the Act have happened from fourteenth September 2016 and warnings to this impact have been distributed in the Official Gazette. Segment 57 of the Aadhaar Act 2016 licenses the utilization of Aadhaar number for building up the character of a person for any reason compliant with any law or any agreement to this impact.

Likewise, an expert has chosen to utilize Aadhaar for the candidates of UGC NET(November) 2017, and thus advises the accompanying:

Candidates who are in control of Aadhaar will enter Aadhaar number, name, date of birth and sex in an online application for UGC-NET(November) 2017 with the end goal of his/her character and verification thereof.

Candidates not yet enlisted for Aadhaar, are therefore required to make application for Aadhaar enrolment in the event that he/she is qualified to get Aadhaar according to segment 3 of Aadhaar Act. Such a candidate may visit any Aadhaar enrolment focus (list accessible at to get enlisted for Aadhaar.

The above arrangements will be relevant in all states aside from J&K, Assam, and Meghalaya.

The candidates from the conditions of J&K, Assam, and Meghalaya need to enter the visa number, apportion card number, financial balance number or some other legitimate Govt. character number gave they should choose the city of examination in these states as it were.

For Assistant Professor:

Age Limit: No endorsed upper age restrict for applying for qualification for Assistant Professor.

Who are Exempted From Appearing UGC NET (For Assistant Professor)?

Ph.D. Degree Holders: Candidates having the Ph.D. degree as per the University Grants Commission will be exempted from the necessity of NET/SELT/SET for enrollment of Assistant Professor in Universities/establishments.

UGC/CSIR JRF Qualified Candidates: The qualified hopefuls of UGC/CSIR JRF examination are exempted from showing up the NET yet the condition is that the examination must be passed preceding 1989.

States Eligibility Test (SET) Candidates: The qualified competitors of SET (held preceding first June 2002) are exempted from showing up in NET. These competitors can apply for the post of Assistant Professor anyplace in India. The individuals who have cleared the SET (first June 2002 onwards) are qualified to apply for the post of Assistant Professor just in the Universities/schools arranged in for the purposes of passing the SET.

The pattern of UGC NET Exam 2018

Applicants can check the UGC NET 2018 exam design which tells about the number of inquiries, stamping plan, sort of inquiries, a span of the exam and different points of interest identified with the exam.

Papers: The test will comprise of two papers.

Exam Mode: Examination will be led in on the web (CBT) mode.

Number of Questions: Total 150 inquiries will be asked in NET which is partitioned into 2 papers. Paper-I will have 50 inquiries and Paper-II will have 100 inquiries. All inquiries are necessary to endeavor.

Sort of Questions: All the papers will have target compose questions.

Subjects: The Paper-I comprises of General Aptitude Questions and the Paper-II contains questions identified with the subject chosen by applicants.

The medium of Paper: Candidate can pick the paper medium either Hindi or English. A decision for the paper medium can be practiced at the season of filling the frame.

Exam Duration: Paper-1 will be of 1 hour while Paper-II will be for 2 hours.


Checking Scheme: Each right answer will convey 2 marks.

Negative Marking: NTA isn’t following negative stamping plan in UGC NET.

Paper   Number of Questions Maximum Marks Exam Duration (first shift) Exam Duration (second move)


50 questions (all compulsory) 100 1 hour (First move: 09:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM)            1 hour (02:00 A.M. to 03:00 A.M.)


100 questions (all compulsory) 200 2 hours (11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM)            2 hours (03:30 A.M. to 05:30 P.M.)




UGC NET Admit Card 2018

UGC NET 2018 concede card of December session will be transferred on the site on nineteenth November 2018. Applicants need to convey the concede card to the test focus notwithstanding a Photo-Identity Card. A worthy Photo Identity Card is any of Passport, Driving permit, College/Institute Identity Card, Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, Voters Id Card, and so forth.

UGC NET 2018 Answer Key

After the effective lead of examination, the UGC NET answer key 2018 will be distributed. The appropriate response key for December exam will be distributed in the period of December 2018. Applicants likewise have the chance to challenge the OMR Sheet/answer key. For testing each inquiry, the expert will charge Rs. 1000/ – . On the off chance that the test is acknowledged, at that point, the charge will be discounted.

UGC NET Result 2018

NTA will declare the UGC NET 2018 outcome through online mode (connection will be given above). Competitors can check their outcomes by entering their move number and date of birth. Result for December 2018 session will be proclaimed on tenth January 2019. It won’t be given through disconnected mode.

UGC NET Cut-Off 2018

The base denotes that an applicant should be the score in UGC NET to be considered for the honor of JRF and qualification for Assistant Professor in paper-I, Paper-II is given beneath:

Category Paper-I Paper-II
General 40 marks (40%) 80 marks (40%)
OBC-NCL/PwD/SC/ST 35 marks (35%) 70 marks (35%)

Subject-wise and class savvy justify rundown will be drawn for those competitors who will meet the cut-off scores. Legitimacy rundown will be readied utilizing the total scores of applicants in all the two papers. Top 15% of competitors will be pronounced met all requirements for qualification for Assistant Professor as it were. Isolate justify list for JRF will be set up from among 15% UGC NET.

 UGC NET 2018 Syllabus

The syllabus of National Eligibility Test (NET) is distinctive for various subjects. The subjects incorporated into the NET is more than 100. Applicants ought to likewise get ready from the syllabus of their qualifying examination. Applicants must get ready according to the syllabus endorsed by the NTA.

The most effective method to Prepare for UGC NET

UGC NET is one of the aggressive examinations that empower present graduate understudies to meet all requirements for University level showing employment and furthermore to look for affirmations in Ph.D. level projects. To accomplish great scores in NET, applicants can take after these readiness tips:

  • As a matter of first importance, assemble the total syllabus as endorsed by NTA.
  • Competitors can take the reference of earlier years question papers to know the exam design and vital themes.
  • Buy some great books that cover the entire syllabus.
  • Set up the short notes and feature the vital subjects.
  • Keep yourself refreshed with current undertakings. Applicant ought to have finish information about their concerned UGC NET Subject.
  • Time administration is likewise critical. Deal with your chance successfully for thinks about and for day by day correction.
  • Last however not the minimum, be sure and positive.

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