CareerLSAT India 2019 Application Form, Eligibility, Admit Card, Exam Pattern

LSAT India 2019 Application Form, Eligibility, Admit Card, Exam Pattern

Law school admission test India or LSAT India is the national level law entrance examination. It is a test specially designed to test a student’s verbal reasoning and reading skills proficiency. Through LSAT India, candidates are granted admissions to BA LLB/ LLM programs offered in India and are accepted by 76 law colleges across the country.

Facts figures and highlights about LSAT 2019

Exam nameLaw school admission test
Conducted byPearson VUE on behalf of law school of admission council
Mode of applicationOnline
Mode of examOffline
Courses offeredBA LLB/LLM

LSAT India 2019 exam dates

The filling of exam application form has already started and the process will last till 15th May 2019. The exam will be conducted on 29th May 2019 and the result for which will be declared on 10th June 2019

LSAT India eligibility

There are no set rules for the eligibility criteria for the aspirants who are planning to appear for this exam and this criteria varies from institution to institution. It is the responsibility of the student to lookout for the instructions and follows them.

Some basic rules that apply to all the institutions are discussed below:

For BA LLB course the student must pass the 10+2 examination with minimum 45% marks

For LLB course the candidate possess a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 45% marks.

For LLM course the aspirants should have passed 3 years of LLB or 5 years of BA LLB with 45% marks.

How to register for LLB?

The application form for LLB is available on the official website of the exam for which the students need to login and fill in their required information correctly. A fee of Rs 3800 has to be paid to complete the registration process.

Here is a step by step explanation of the registration process:

Step 1: Visit the official website of LSAT

Step 2: Click on ‘Registration’ link and you will be redirected to a new screen and register to the site as a new user

Step 3: Once the registration is done successfully a verification link will be sent by the Pearson VUE to your email id.

Step 4: Re-login and start filling the application form. Enter all the required details like:

  • Personal Details – Candidate’s Name, DOB, Category, Nationality etc.
  • Contact Details – Mobile No., Email ID, Communication and Permanent Address
  • Academic Details – Choice of Program, Percentage in class 10th and 12th etc.

Step 5: Pay the application fee using either Debit Card/Credit Card.

Step 6:  submit the form.

LSAT India 2019 admit card

All candidates will be able to download the hall ticket from LSAT India official website only and the same will not be sent via mail or post. In case you have any discrepancies than immediately contact the authorities.

The admit card can be downloaded between 16th may to 21st may 2019.

How to download the admit card?

To download the admit card all you need to do is to follow the given steps

  • Visit the official website and look for download admit card link
  • Enter your registration number and password
  • Click on submit, your card will come on the screen
  • Take out a printout of the same and carry it along to the exam center.

LSAT India exam pattern

The LSAT exam is conducted in English language in offline mode. Let’s take a quick look and the entire pattern of the exam and understand it in depth.

Mode of exam Offline
Nature of questions Multiple choice questions
Total number of questions 100
Number of sections 4
Exam duration 2 hours 20 minutes
Marking system No negative marking

Now as we are aware of the general pattern of the exam let’s study about the section wise details

SectionNumber of questionTime duration
Analytical reasoning 2535 minutes
1st logical reasoning 2535 minutes
2nd logical reasoning 2535 minutes
Reading comprehension 2535 minutes

LSAT India syllabus

Before you start preparing for the exam it is mandatory to go through the syllabus and then segregate your weaker points so that you can focus more on them.

Analytical reasoning section: this section consists of questions that reflect the kinds of complex analyses that a law student performs in the course of legal problem-solving.

Logical reasoning questions: The questions in this section are designed to assess a wide range of skills involved in thinking critically, with an emphasis on skills that are central to legal reasoning. These skills include drawing well-supported conclusions, or rules, identifying argument flaws, reasoning by analogy, determining how additional evidence affects an argument and applying principles.

Reading comprehension questions: The Reading Comprehension section has four sets of reading questions, each consisting of a selection of reading material, followed by four to nine questions that test reading and reasoning abilities.

LSAT India result

The LSAT India result will be declared on 10th June 2019 for which the candidates need to login to the website and check their result. The declaration of the result is done in the form of test score and percentiles and this score is valid for 1 year only.

LSAT India centres

LSAT exam is conducted in 20 cities across the country. the locations are divided into four zones. While filling the form you will be asked about your center preference whre you will be required to reach 30 minutes before the exam.

The following table shows the different centres

Test ZoneLocations
EastBhubaneswar, Kolkata, Ranch, Raipur
NorthChandigarh, Delhi (NCR), Jaipur, Lucknow
SouthBangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi
WestAhmedabad, Bhopal, Mumbai, Nagpur

LSAT India counseling procedure

  • There are around 76 law schools which consider the LSAT score and conduct counseling for the same.
  • The only basis of consideration for counseling will be the percentile scores
  • Every college has their own procedure and fee which you have to lookout
  • The students who have successfully cleared the exam will be called by different colleges to attend the counseling session
  • A list of colleges will be released wherein the name of the colleges will be there from which you can decide which college you want to take admission in
  • Always keep in mind to select at least 5 to 6 colleges so that the seats get finished before your call you have other colleges in your mind.


With the growing number of pass outs every year the level of competition is also increasing and appearing for entrance exams is not a cake walk. You can only clear them when you have full preparation. Keep your mind clear and stable and start preparing for your goals and give them a good shot so that you clear it in one chance.


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