First, it’s important for us to know what is loneliness. Loneliness has been defined differently by many. Oxford English Dictionary defines loneliness as “
Sadness because one has no friends or company.‘feelings of depression and loneliness’
The fact of being without companions; solitariness.
while Wikipedia defines Loneliness as,
Loneliness is often defined in terms of one’s connectedness to others, or more specifically as “the unpleasant experience that occurs when a person’s network of social relations is deficient in some important way”
Psychologists have defined loneliness in a different sense pertaining to the mind, “as the distressing experience that occurs when one’s social relationships are perceived to be less in quantity, and especially in quality, than desired“.
Loneliness is a symptom of depression. Loneliness in its general sense means feeling low about being socially isolated from the people around us and from society at large.
Loneliness is a serious issue which can effect you at any age. These days generally people in their 30s are more likely to feel lonely. Feeling lonely is okay but if it is taking all the good opportunities from you to grow as a person then it is an issue to worry for. Even students are prone to loneliness as students really go through a high time in every field.
Ask yourself have I felt lonely, I am sure we all do feel lonely sometimes or the other. It’s quite natural for us to feel lonely in this fast-changing world where everything around us is changing rapidly from technology to our relationship with people around us. Loneliness is different for each individual as some people feel lonely sometimes or rarely or never or always. Loneliness is not a disease which cannot be cured one can easily get rid of it without doing much.
Here we bring you some tips which will help you to get rid away of loneliness
Don’t worry you are at right place as today we are going to give you some tips to get rid of loneliness.
1. Have A Good Talk

The first thing which one can do to get rid of loneliness is talking to someone. It can be anyone the people around you, your family members or your close friends or even strangers in short people who are ready to listen to you without judging you or blaming you always. Having a good talk with your teachers too with whom you feel connected will also help. If you are fortunate enough to live with your grandparents believe me spending time with them, mere listening to their meaningful stories and experiences you will feel much better. Spend time, have a talk with your grandparents and parents to help you.
You need not to always share your problems or things which are bothering you just having a good talk with them will make you realize how much blessed you are. If not grandparents or parents you can always have a heart to heart talk with your siblings or cousins who will understand you and will never make you feel lonely.
2. Listening to Music

The next thing which you can do is listening to some really good music. Listening to some really good music lifts your mood, cheers you up, lights up your mood. It refreshes your soul for centuries music has been in vogue when it comes to making one’s mood better. Today music has evolved giving us a large variety of genres to choose from. In this age of digitalization, we have many mobile apps where we can listen to all the songs on the go. For your convenience one can make a playlist in which you can add your favorite songs depending upon the occasion like if you are traveling you can make a playlist in which there are the best travel songs, songs which relate to traveling and all.
You can make different kinds of playlist like Feel Good, Traveling, Workout, Best Songs Unplugged, and much such play list. For this mobile application such as Amazon Prime Music, Gaana, Hungama music can make your life easier when it comes to listening to songs . If you have a flair for singing then some apps like Starmaker can help you. You have devotional songs, inspirational songs, entertaining songs, magical songs to listen to. Sufi songs or Bhakti songs or regional songs will also help you to be at peace. Plugin your earphones/headphones forget the world and dive into a soulful world where lyrics become your words, tunes become your feelings. It will help you trust the music at least for once.
3. Traveling

The next thing one can do to kill loneliness is traveling because exploring places will help you to get rid of loneliness as you meet different kinds of people who will surely leave an unforgettable impact on you for the rest of your life. Traveling refreshes our mood. It will make you realize that how much blessed you are as in your journey you will encounter many people who don’t have less than you or are suffering from many many problems which you cannot even think of.
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The world is suffering and here we are in our shell thinking that we are lonely but the fact is that we are not lonely. To understand this it’s important that one should do solo traveling or travel with some of the friends too will help you to change your perspective towards life. The things which can’t be learned from the books are the things which we learn by our own experiences for that traveling is best as it soothes your mind by opening the hidden potential which was always within you lying somewhere deep down in your heart. Travel even if it is just a two days trip. Exploring the world you will realize the bountiful gifts of nature yourself and also the power in you to change your mind by looking deeper into yourself observe the world around you and then ask the question Am I really lonely? Believe me, you will get your answer yourself.
4. Yoga and Meditation

The next thing one can do is yoga and meditation which is also quite traditional for our country and it’s people for centuries it has been a constant support to meet the spiritual us as yoga and meditation will not help you to get rid of your loneliness but it will also bridge the gap which is prevalent in you as your spirituality differs from your reality to a large extent.
Yoga and meditation will awaken YOU as when you connect with the natural force behind everything you don’t need anything except a room with no disturbance. In the ancient times when yoga and meditation was prevalent, it was a cureness to loneliness. It will surely help you to transform you into a new you where you will not have a need to feel lonely.
5. Dancing

The next thing which one can do to not to feel lonely is dancing to the beats of your favorite song. Dancing is also like therapy to forget all that is happening around or in your life. I have seen people who were really lonely but they never let the world know about their loneliness because when they danced it was their best performance which was quite showing on their face. Dancing is the best thing to do whenever you feel lonely. You don’t need to be best at it just close your room switch on the television or laptop search the best song raise the volume and start dancing you don’t need to think of the embarrassment as none is watching you.You have a room to yourself to dance madly, dance till you are happy again to face the world. There are many dancing forms for you to dance from Classical to Contemporary the list is long.
You can also form a group for you where members are also facing the same struggles as you are all together you can take part in many dancing competitions which keep happening around your area. There are also many folk dances to dance on as in our country even Dance keeps us united as every state has its own dance form which can be mixed with other dance forms easily. Dancing will really help you to come out of your loneliness. You need not dance like Michael Jackson every time but you need to dance with full devotion in it.
6. Reading and Writing

The next thing which you can always do to cure loneliness irrespective of any age is nothing but reading and writing always. It is like meditation where you feel the solace in a different way which was unknown to you. Believe me once you start reading and writing there is no point in turning back to the lonely world out there. Reading and writing has been a friend to us when none is there for us for centuries. Read, read and read because doing so will help you in realizing that you are not alone. Characters from a fictional world become our friends in reality too as we keep relating to our favourite characters. Writing is the best thing to do when feeling lonely. Have a diary with you every time when loneliness kicks in start expressing yourself in words which will surely make you happy. You can make a collection of good quotations & lines which will help you in feeling good every time you feel lonely. Grab a book, a pen , a huge cup of coffee/tea and there is no way for loneliness to kick in. It will help you in the long run. People who disturb you in your reading or writing time throw them out of the room or just avoid them or give them a book to read.
7. Watching Good Movies

The next thing to do in order to not to feel lonely is watching movies, not just watching any random movies but some really nice & good movies which develop inspiration in you to feel good again. Go for some nice inspirational movies which inspire you to be better and give you a positive perspective towards life, and also show you the way to deal with your problems with a new zeal. Language should not be an obstacle for you to watch some really good movies. If you are watching any new language movie then don’t worry you have a subtitle for you, the majority of movies have English in their subtitle list. You should not watch any movie just for the sake of watching try to find something in that movie which helps you to feel good when these lonely thoughts come to your mind.
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One tip is to make a diary in which you can write the best dialogues of a movie which you watch. Write only the dialogues which touch your heart and the dialogues which you can remember. Every movie has some inspiration in it you just need to search that inspiration which will become a driving force for you to heal from the lonely thoughts. GO out and watch a movie with your family and friends or if none is free to go out with you go solo because the mind remembers the best experiences in which there is some emotional connection attached to it. Trust us you will never regret watching any good movie. Some of the best movies which you can watch are Dear Zindagi, 3 Idiots among many others. When everyone is out ‘enjoying’ on weekends you can enjoy at your own home in your comfort zone. Switch on the laptop and watch any good movie.
8. Keeping Yourself Busy

The next thing which everyone can do is keeping yourself so busy that there is no time for our thoughts to wander. Invest this time in doing something productive. For students studies and their career can help them better to avoid lonely thoughts. For professionals working and meeting all the deadlines can be a great help for them to keep away from such thoughts. Yes, we do understand that it may be tough but believe us try to do this for good seven days and you will yourself start experiencing the change in you and with the time you will become pro at it. For this you can join a hobby class for students it will be easy as these days many schools & colleges provide hobby classes for their students & in these classes they give many things to choose from like beauty makeup, cooking, painting, singing and many other classes. These classes are like crash course type where they learn without any disturbance in their study hours as these classes are held in the campus only, generally, they are held on weekends. Many offices too have their own clubs where groups are made according to their employee’s interests which also keeps them lively at their office place. Many MNCs like Microsoft and all regularly have office events where employees get a platform to add more to their professional world. Give it some days to get the best results. You can also go for gardening for nature will never make you feel lonely for it nurtures you into a new YOU.
9. Adopting A Pet

The next thing which one can do to not to feel lonely is adopting a pet. By doing so we will make this world a better place for all. Instead of buying a pet from a pet shop it will be better if you will adopt a pet. Look around your surroundings you will see many dogs and cats looking innocently wanting you to give them a home. If you have a home do give them a small place in your home but be careful as they give you their heart the moment you pat on them. Believe us they understand your intentions very well. Trust us adopting a pet is the best thing which you can do , you will never regret it but you will grieve for years as like good things they too have some years but in these years they will never let you feel lonely as around them you will have a reason to feel happy always for they may not speak but they speak the language which doesn’t need any words yes they speak and understand the language of Love and care better than us.
So here are some tips for you to not to feel lonely. Hope it helps you. We wish you Good Luck. Smile often to feel good
Above all take out time to know about your family and friends. If you see something unusual in their behavior it’s better to talk to the person instead of propagating their act of behavior to the whole world. Build trust in them where people can share anything without the fear of getting judged.