CareerTop 10 Key To A Productive Day

Top 10 Key To A Productive Day

Have you ever come home at the end of a day and felt dissatisfied with the work you’ve done? Achieving less than you anticipate in a particular day of work is a common but less talked about issue that people face today. If you are one of them, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to know how to curb this problem and increase your productivity:


Every morning make a list of the 3 tasks you want to accomplish that day and make sure you complete them. This way you set a lower limit for how much work is to be done in a particular day.

2. THE 5:1 RULE

Just learn a thumb rule – divide your time between works and break in 5:1 ratio. For example, after every 50 minutes of work, take a 10 minute break.

During your break, get up from your desk and go for a walk, talk to people, or do anything that relaxes you.


Clarity of mind comes from a clean workspace. If you are working on a messy desk, it will bring down your efficiency level and sooner or later you’ll end up with a frustrated mind. So, take some time out from work and unclutter that cluttered desk.


Studies show that those who meditate daily for at least 30 minutes have better focus. Make it an everyday habit to meditate and soon you’ll see the difference in your work.


Constantly try new things and seek out new viewpoints, places, ideas, music and food. Have that thirst for knowledge and absorb it wherever you find it. Sometimes you learn things from the most unexpected sources.


Don’t stay up all night, however important the work may be. Compromising on sleep leads to loss of focus and fatigue, and that’s the last thing you need while working.


Whether it is internal or external, negativity in any form can hamper your productivity. Internal negativity is when you don’t believe in yourself and constantly think that you are incapable of doing something. External negativity usually comes from people who are always there to demoralize you and send out negative vibes from their words and actions. Keep negativity at bay and you’re good to go!


Keep small rewards in store for yourself for whenever you complete a task. This will keep you motivated and you’ll have something to look forward to at the end of each task.


Learn to delegate. When workload increases, you cannot do everything on your own. Trust your subordinates with important work and assign them the work that can be done without your help. This will help you focus on the more important tasks at hand.


Sort tasks by “MUST, SHOULD & WANT” every day. Do one job at a time and prioritize by completing the “MUST” category first and follow up with the other two categories. This will prevent any delay in the important work.


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