Management is one of the most essential tasks in corporate life. As a matter of fact, Management brings with itself a lot of subtasks which, if handles properly helps in the smooth running of the organization. Management holds itself as one of the most important factors when it comes to job satisfaction, the happiness of the employees and the working of the organization, all in all.
In this generation, as the corporate world progresses in a rapid motion, there is almost no time to look at the nitty-gritty of organizational management. However, good managers hold a strong power of making the organization stand firm and strong in spite of all odds. A good manager is neither too lenient nor too strict, but a combination of both in the correct approximate.
Let us go through some of Management types in corporate.
Authoritative Management

The authoritative management technique is a technique in which the hierarchy of management is very rigid. This management style was initially described by Daniel Goleman in his book ‘Primal Leadership’ which was published in 2002. He explained it as a combination of ‘Affiliative, Coaching, Democratic, Coercive, and Pacesetting’ technique.
The authoritative management style follows very strict rules, regulations, and policies in the organization. Ever the hierarchy in this management style is strict and rigid. As a matter of fact, all the power is held by the top management and all decisions are made without consulting their teams or requesting feedback. Even, strict disciplinary actions are taken against those employees who fail to complete their tasks or execute orders as per the instructions provided by the top management. An advantage of the Authoritative style is by following a strict hierarchy, a decision is made faster. On the other hand, though, the employee morale suffers in this case. It is important to know that sometimes, getting a second opinion can help in providing a new perspective and more complete information.
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Directive Management
Directive Management is similar to the Authoritative style. Here, the managers are under the impression that the subordinates or employees are supposed to execute their orders and rules laid down by them. However, one of the most important things to be remembered in this management is that rules and regulations should be well specified and clear. Without proper clarity, directive management is bound to be a huge disaster.
The Path-Goal Theory is the motivation behind Directive Management. In the directive style of management, it is mandatory for the leader to provide achievable goals to the employees. Moreover, they must also illustrate how to achieve those objectives.
In a team that consists of employees who are not enough skilled, this is a very useful style of management. As far as gaining knowledge or even having a stronghold of skills to proceed further in the corporate ladder, it is an ideal management style that can motivate the employees.
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Examples and Rules in Directive Management
Let us illustrate the various example of Directive management and how to follow them.
- Illustrate who is in charge of decision making. If a leader is instructed to lead a particular group, he or she should not doubt his/her own credentials.
- Always follow conservative methods. Creativity will always come with risk. Risks are best to be avoided at any cost in a predetermined scene.
- Be resolute about your own decisions. Decision making is provided to you, which means you must tell your staff and your subordinates about the company’s objectives with verbal and other means. This will keep everyone strictly informed. A leader should, in any case of any sort of demotivation, serve as an incentive. Hence, a leader should be setting himself as an example and inspire them to work.
- It is important to be responsible and raise awareness. As a matter of fact, a leader’s opinion on a specific work item should be considered having more priority over all other ones.
- Look after how the laborers are performing. Always keep all the information about what is happening in the company. You must also remember that without proper supervision from a leader, the project members will be lenients and the project will not be completed on time.
- You must be well aware of other’s work and remind them of the work they must do in case they aren’t doing it in a proper manner.
- Do not, I repeat, do not, ever, contradict your principles. To make things easier even, write a list of things that goes out of the company’s policy or the rules you would want the subordinates and employees to follow.
- It is important to pay attention to wage-earners in all cases of non-compliance with the rules. Let them know in a firm manner, the behavior that is permissible and the behavior that is not permitted.
- Learn to manage and hold responsibility.
Affiliative Management
In this type of leadership, managers support, motivate and encourage their teams. The managers as well as take pride in their ability to keep them happy and tend to provide positive feedback. All in all, the end goal is to create a balanced workplace and avoid conflicts.
The underlying concept of harmony is prevalent in this management system. The goal of Affiliative Management is to build groups, teams in a strong bond. It also focuses on building an organization that works well together in achieving the objectives which are set forth by the organization. This style of leadership is extremely favorable to employees.
The Affiliative style of management has its own disadvantages or drawbacks. For example, managers might even neglect or ignore employees’ poor performance. However, during times of distress and complicated situations, it might become difficult to handle the team. As a consequence, employees may settle for less, provide the least importance to quality work and even fail to reach their full potential.
In an ideal case, this approach is mostly when your team needs reassurance and motivation. This type of management is essential only when the team needs to improve on its prerequisite skills or learn new skills. Few kind words work a long way. However, constant praises might actually degrade the performance of individuals as well as a team.
Democratic Management

In the Democratic style of management, the leaders encourage their employees to participate in the decision-making process and solve problems together. As a matter of fact, this type of management not only enhances a creative environment and collaboration but also improves teamwork and ensures effective communication.
The characteristics of Democratic Management can be listed as follows.
- Ideas, thoughts, and opinions are taken from all the members of the group. Finally, the leader decides the final course of action to be followed.
- In this management, the members of the group feel more engaged in the process of management and corporate decision making.
- This style of management encourages creativity. In fact, the Democratic style of management also appreciates thinking skills.
Employees’ opinions are considered important and placed in front of the manager before he makes decisions, which in turn leads to an increase in team morale. Amazon, Google, Twitter are some of the very reputed companies that follow the Democratic model. This is one of the mottos behind their success.
However, a lot of procrastination, the difference in opinion is one of the biggest disadvantage of this approach. If employees don’t agree with the manager and vice versa, a lot of conflicts may arise. As a consequence, the time consumed in finally reaching a decision is huge and cumbersome.
These are some of the popular styles of Management which are followed by corporate houses. However, none of the corporate houses follow only one style. Usually, it is a combination of all the styles which are mixed depending on the situation, type of team and the leader.