CareerRelationship Counselling : Job Prospects for Mending Broken Hearts

Relationship Counselling : Job Prospects for Mending Broken Hearts

We all are living in a world that is going through challenges every day. It can easily take a toll on us and our ability to communicate with our partners effectively. Ineffective communication can create further problems in a relationship. Therefore, seeking help from a person who knows how to handle such issues in a relationship becomes essential. This is where the role of a relationship counsellor comes in.

The romantic bond between two people is one of the most sacred, and, arguably, the most intimate, in all human interactions. Despite the strong attachments that form between men and women – or between any two individuals of any sex or gender – many issues may still arise any time two people try to form a partnership. These issues can become so destructive that the union disintegrates unless the couple seeks professional help. Relationship counselling is a space for two people in a relationship (married or not) to interact with the counsellor to explore and address inter-personal concerns, including intimacy, communication, conflicts, etc. In specific, a relationship counsellor is a professional trained to listen with empathy and expertise regarding your relationship and individualized challenges.

Do you want to help people in distress? Given below are the requirements for a career in relationship counselling.

What Is Relationship Counselling?

Relationship Counselling
Young couple during a Relationship Counselling

Relationship counselling is a subspecialty within the field of marriage and family counselling. It is a type of psychotherapy, an approach to treatment that does not rely on medical science or prescription medications. Counsellors use discussion therapy to coach couples through their disagreements, frustrations, betrayals, communication problems, and other issues, with the end goal that the couple arrives at a happier, more equitable solution for both parties involved. They help patients resolve conflict, make more thoughtful decisions in their relationships, and confront head-on whether they want to continue their lives together.

Marriage counselling can occur during a single session or multiple sessions, over days or months. Sometimes, counsellors respond to acute crises, such as one partner having an affair, a separation, a request for divorce, or another disastrous occurrence. At other times, couples counsellors are consulted about a situation that affects both partners, such as an ageing parent, a teenager on drugs, or the death of a child.

Sometimes, one member of the couple works with the counsellor individually, or both partners alternate seeing the counsellor; then, both partners see the counsellor together. The exact nature of the arrangement depends on the situation and on the couple’s ultimate goals for seeking relationship therapy.

They work in many different facilities. They may have their practices, where they provide a relationship in their private offices. Other counsellors work in nursing facilities, at clinics run cooperatively or by other counsellors, or in hospitals. In all these settings, the counsellor’s goal is to provide emotional support to both partners, while helping them move toward a resolution of their issues and to mutual understanding.

Job Description

A relationship counsellor’s primary role is to help people achieve a good relationship. They accomplish this task by utilizing a variety of methods, but the focus is always on maintaining the partnership.

  • A relationship counsellor uses talk therapy to determine the cause and analysis of the issue or problem in the relationship.
  • A relationship counsellor aims to teach the couple to communicate and share their feelings during difficult times effectively.
  • Relationship counsellor uses behavioral therapy to guide their clients to exhibit healthier behavior and communication among themselves.
  • Marriage counseling can occur during a single session or multiple sessions, for days or months. Sometimes, counselors respond to acute crises, such as one partner having an affair, a separation, a request for divorce, or another disastrous occurrence. At other times, couples counselors are consulted about a situation that affects both partners, such as an aging parent, a teenager on drugs, or the death of a child.
  • A relationship counsellor diagnoses specific disorders and issues that are causing or affecting the relationship.
  • They help clients cope with difficult or adverse situations in life that affect one or both parties.
  • A relationship counsellor guides clients through divorce, when necessary.

Skills Needed for Becoming a Relationship Counsellor

  • An ability to travel: Many counsellors must travel to meet patients in different facilities or who are homebound.
  • Good bedside manner: In relationship therapy, the couple discusses the most intimate details of their lives and must feel comfortable discussing these personal issues.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills: Counselors need to communicate and interact effectively with colleagues and other medical professionals as well as with patients or clients.
  • The ability to work unusual hours: Many counsellors work evenings and on weekends to accommodate the schedules of their working clients.
  • Compassion: While the counsellor may be tempted to form conclusions or judge others, compassion and open-mindedness are necessary.
  • Organizational skills: Counselors must keep files on their clients as well as maintain their own credentialing and licensing paperwork.
  • Boundary setting: While a counsellor’s primary role is helping others, he or she must be able to maintain boundaries and know when bounds have been breached.
  • Business management: Many couples counsellors work independently, marketing their services, running their own small business, so they must acquire the necessary administrative skills.

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Salary and Employment Status of a Career In Relationship Counselling

The Indian Bureau of Labor Statistics categorizes couples’ counsellors under the term “Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists.” The average salary for a relationship counsellor is INR 599,956 a year and INR 400 an hour. With experience and work quality, you can even expect more. Job prospects for a relationship counsellor are also strong. The rate at which jobs are growing for all professionals in the relationship counselling field is 19%. This rate is much faster than the average growth rate of jobs in 2014 and 2024. You will have to gain a master’s degree and a counselling license to find more employment opportunities.

Education for Career in Relationship Counselling

If you want to work as a relationship counsellor, you should earn a master’s degree in counselling. Most counsellors in our country begin their careers and studies in undergraduate psychology programs. A master’s degree includes a variety of subjects that prepares a person in the field of counselling. These subjects include Marriage and Family Therapy, Clinical Mental Health Counselling, and Psychology.

You can also obtain an education specialist (Ed.S.) degree or a doctoral degree (PhD or Psy.D.) in counselling. You should also enrol yourself in an accredited couples counselling program to gain the license. Master’s programs in mental health counselling prepare couples counsellors to work with couples, individuals, and groups in many settings. To work as a professional couples counsellor, however, candidates should focus on the psychology of relationships and romance.

You can also pursue a diploma in counselling. This is a short-term course for people who wish to pursue a career in relationship counselling. A person should complete their schooling to pursue this course. Students are taught psychology, therapy, Mental Health, and more.

Colleges That Offer A Course in Relationship Counselling in India

Relationship Counselling : Job Prospects for Mending Broken Hearts
  1. Goa University
  2. Dev Samaj College of Education
  3. Global Institute of Medical Sciences
  4. Government Bilasa Girls Post Graduate College
  5. Awadhesh Pratap Singh University
  6. CVM Institute of Human Resource Development
  7. KJ Somaiya Bhartiya Sanskriti Peetham
  8. Jyotiba Institute of Management and Technology
  9. Government College of Educational Psychology and Guidance


No counsellor can help their clients if they do not know how to manage time. As a counsellor, you may have to work on different strategies and projects simultaneously with the same efficiency. Thus, this skill is very crucial. Time management is a skill that can only be learned with practice and patience.

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