Northeast India, It is considered as one of the culturally distinguishable demesnes of the world, it is inhabited by more than 200 fascinated tribes. No doubt the region has over the time has captured the fancy of scientists all over the world.
All these tribes have been vastly spread all over the states of North East. Arunachal Pradesh consists of 25 types of tribes, and Nagaland more than 16 types of tribes. Some major NORTH-EAST INDIAN TRIBES
Bodo Tribe
Image source It is a heroic tribe that shares a great number of people from Assam. These tribes are spread all over the country. It’s said that these tribes were the ones to invent rice cultivation, tea plantations poultry farms etc. Bodos are nonvegetarians and rice is the typical food they eat, and their favorite beverage is Zu Mai. Bodos weave and rear silkworms in northeastern parts of the city. They start it from a very tender age. Women weave and make their own dhokhnas, which is the traditional dress of the Bodos. They also make beautiful crafts from bamboo.
Kuki Tribe
These are the migrant ones, they are found everywhere, the language here is different, but they’re sort of similar. They usually reside on hilltops, their villages are a group of houses that are built very close to each other. They cultivate dwarf cotton and yarns. They use a dye made of vegetable beautiful designs are made. Kuki men wear beautiful a jacket and a head cover and are usually recognizable easily. Smoking is enjoyed by these people. They use extensively created pipes, made up of stones and brass metal. -
Adi tribes
These are found in Arunachal Pradesh, live on hills and have own village council. This group is again divided into various small sub-tribes. The dress of people is naturally weaved by women. Older women wear spiral earrings and yellow necklaces. Tattooing of hands and legs is quite popular amongst the people. Rice cultivation is done by the people and rice is the staple food there. The neighboring tribe is APANTI TRIBE. Adi people keep pigs, chickens and grow vegetables in their home.
Nishi Tribe
This has originated from the Indo-Mongoloid stock. These are mainly inhabited in the lower region of Subansiri district in AP. They are amongst the largest tribes of AP. Their hairstyles are very different and also their language is unique. They plait their hair and tie it on the forehead. Skewers made up brass are passed through the hair. Rings made up of cane are worn around the waist.
Men wear sleeveless shirts, stripped gaily blue and red together with a mantle of cotton or wool are worn around the throat and shoulders. The ornament for females includes beads and pendants.
Angami Tribe
These are one of the major tribal communities of Nagaland, It is found in Manipur and has a population of more than million. The clothes worn by them are very different for both men and women. Men wear shawls and women Mechala, It’s a wrap-around skirts. Both men and women wear ornaments made from natural stones and metals. Angami’s are popular for their woodcraft and artworks, and trae major suppliers of bamboo art and cane furniture. Traditional Music is a part of their group for festivals and rituals. They practice pottery and basket making. Pork with bamboo shoot is their staple diet. Angamis are popular for their woodcraft and artwork and are famous all over the country.
Rengma tribe-
They are a Naga Tribal community, which is found in both Nagaland as well as in Assam. The populace is more than 50,000 in the entire Nagaland itself. The community is further classified in two categories that are Eastern and Western Rengma’s. They are supposed to be expert in terrace cultivation. The conventional Rengma clothes consist of various types of clothes and are worn according to the status and positions of the weavers. Rikho that is worn by men, it is a white cloth. Moyet tsu, is another type of cloth which usually worn by young men which is of dark blue in color. The tribe populace is famous for making yellow dye from the flowers of the tress.
Bhutia tribe-
These are eminent tribal community which belongs from Sikkim that have migrated from Tibet. The tribe inhabit in Lachen and in Lachung areas of North Sikkim. The tribe is considered as one of most developed tribes because their livelihood is developed by agriculture, government jobs and local business. The tribe has a unique dressing status, women carries heavy gold jewelries with sleeveless blouses. The main garment consists of loose gown. Male wears Bakhu, people of the tribe lives in rectangular shaped house called Khin and follows Tantric Buddhism.
Garo tribe
They are the second largest tribal community of Meghalaya as tribal people occupies 1/3rd from the total state population which mainly shelters themselves in Garo Hills of Meghalaya and also in some districts of Assam and West Bengal. There traditional religion changed from Songserak to Christianity. The tribes speak Garo language. The main feature of the tribe is their women’s as women’s of the tribe are property owners and follows the custom where younger daughter inherits property from mother. The tribe is known for its great love for music and dance as they used various traditional music instruments. The Garo men wears turban with clothes while women’s wears blouse with a cloth that is tied with their waist. The tribe also celebrates various festivals Wangala is one of their major festival which they celebrate as thanks giving ceremony after harvesting of the crops. The important cultivation crops of the tribes are rice, ginger, millet etc.
Khasi tribe
Khasi tribe are one of the most significant tribal populace and covers almost half of the population of the Meghalaya. There residential place are hills of Khasi and Jantia. Their language is known as Mon-Khmer. The tribe gives more importance to the women’s as comparing from men’s, the younger daughter inherits property from her mother. Men’s here wears a Jymphong which is a sleeveless coat without collar. Women’s love to wear jewelry and earrings. They follow their tradition by wearing silver chain on their waist. Rice is their vital food but they also gobbles fish and meat. They use rice bear as liquors, Nongkrem is the famous festival which is celebrated by them.