CareerLetter to Ex-Twelthies

Letter to Ex-Twelthies

Dear ex-twelthies

First of all, congratulations everyone for your sky shooting efforts, regardless of the results. @90+ scorers, confused? To be happy or sad? @95, thankful enough? @95+, on cloud nine? Below 90, dead or alive? Am I wrong in guessing your feelings, guys? Well, I don’t think so.

In whichever category you may lie, every heart is surely beating too fast because the *cut-offs* are on their way. It happens every year, nothing new, you see! But this time its meant for YOU, YOUR future, YOUR career, so handle it wisely. 🙂

Don’t fall foolishly in the trap of careers and courses. Choose the one which best suits you. Choose the one which is meant for you. Not the one, which lures you just for the time being. Your choice will be the first cut in shaping your future personality. Its not that a wrong choice today is a definite failure tomorrow. There always lies one way or the other to correct past mistakes. But if the first step is taken a bit wisely and thoughtfully, further steps do become a little easy.

The most important point to ponder upon is the Course vs. College Challenge. It is not as tough as it seems. I faced a hell lot of confusion regarding Course A vs. B matter, but had always clear in mind that College should never be given preference over course. I mean, a student who hates reading novels, seeks admission in English Hons. in Hansraj, just because he’s got a 97! I’d call him an educated fool. C’mon, do what you’re good at, what you understand well, what interests you, what your mind easily absorbs and has the potential to excel upon. Opting for your dream college and neglecting your dream course is not what I would suggest.

Also, choose your courses wisely. I was too damn confused between B. Com and Eco Hons. Being good at economics in class 11th and 12th doesn’t signify that you’ll sail through it in UG course too. Be sure of your interest area and your capabilty to handle further study in that subject area. It’s not that I would not have been able to *handle* eco well. Its just that I wanted to excel in every subject of commerce, and not solely economics. My choice may differ from yours. It may even match. Its just that, be crystal clear about what you choose. I’ve seen people regretting.

Now, to those who feel that they haven’t scored well. No score is the best score. No college, the best institute. No teacher becomes a teacher without his/her students. No student excels without his rigorous efforts. In the end, its all about YOU. How YOU do it. Your grade won’t even affect the most precious aspects of your life. Remember VIR DAS’ video? Watch it again:

Few days back I read, that a guy of a Reputed DU College, gave his 10lac package job, just to chase his dream, which was of another interest area. It simply means, that at the end, your dreams should win. Your interest should shine in your career. You become able to live happily, even if your package is not big enough, compared to your Engineer friend. (3 idiots, Farhaan, Remember?)

Just BE HAPPY people!! And dear parents, please don’t snatch away your child’s precious smile just because of his low grade. I know you’ll still love him like always. But at this moment, love him more, and support him.❤❤

A DUite

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