HomeTop 1015 websites that will boost your productivity

15 websites that will boost your productivity

The world wide web has completely revolutionized the way we communicate, do business or entertaining thanks to the internet. We are blessed to live in the era of the 21st century where there is a wealth of information on the internet

In this article, we have gathered 15 websites that will help you to make a smarter person and boost your productivity every day

1.Archive.org : A nonprofit digital library who is on the mission of universal access to all knowledge. It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, and nearly three million public-domain books.

2.Lang-8.com : Write posts in a language you’re trying to learn, get them critiqued by a native speaker and in favor of return help that native speaker learns your language.

3.Engineerguy.com: Bill will help you out to break out the various feat of engineering in layman terms through videos.

4.Sporcle.com: A trivia quiz website that will help you to enhance your general knowledge.

5.Forvo: You can learn how to pronounce any word.

6.Furturelearn: A massive open learning platform founded in 2012 offers a broad range of topics with better content quality.

7.Skillshare: It is based on the idea that anyone with a real-world skill whether it’s starting a business or designing anyone can be a teacher.

8.Vumble : Check out the videos that have the highest number of upvote. What internet watches you watch.

9.Noisli: Put the earphones and mix different sounds and create an amazing environment to boost your productivity.

10.Studyblue: Make your own study sets and create your flashcards. You will Quiz yourself, track your progress and study what you need to know.

11.Difference between: It is a website that has a collection of articles ranging from nature to technology between similar terms and things.

12.University of Reddit : Learn some amazing stuff from the reditors ranging from excel to data analytics it will help you to develop every day.

  1. English Grammar Secrets: To learn english grammar in layman terms this has more than just explanations.
  2. Good.is:  A website that will help you to learn some great things on the internet through infographics.
  3. Ninite: A website that hat lets users automatically install popular applications for their Windows operating system.


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