Tag: people

How NOT to persuade someone

Any work today needs human intervention at some level and hence it is very important to understand that how one can affect others decisions...

10 Signs Your Partner Is Treating You The Way They Should

Relationships can work only when there is mutual understanding between couples. When we are in love the most magical thing that happens is that...

Small act of kindness

Not every day we experience something vastly filled with respect, love and kindness. But when something like that happens to us, it changes our...

When The Sun Talks

The sun asked me a question that I could not answer, He said "Why in the night lays awake the dancer"? Even though he is awake...

5 Most Common Types of Phobias

Every person at some point of time face fear and anxiety, called phobia. Different people suffer from vivid types of phobias, it can be...


I haven't asked myself things in a very long time. Where am I ? Where will I go and what is it that lies...

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How Can You Maximise the Efficiency of Your House Vacuum Cleaner?

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