CareerSubscription boxes for Indian Bibliophiles

Subscription boxes for Indian Bibliophiles

Pamper yourself with these book subscription boxes for Indian Bibliophiles.

Gone are the days when you have to pay exorbitant prices for getting your book subscription box shipped to you from overseas. With a steady increment in the Indian bibliophile community, book boxes are proving to be a good market. All you need is a tad bit of creativity and whole lot of resourcefulness to get the ball rolling. Here are some book boxes that have wedged their way into the book lovers heart by providing quality service that guarantees a bookish surprise every month.

book-of-the-month-clubThe Biblio Box 

Having started this initiative in May 2016, the owners of The Biblio Box are siblings hailing from Bangalore. When asked about what motivated them to get started, they said, “It was a spur of the moment idea to understand the response to subscription boxes in India. International book boxes mostly cater to YA and Fantasy. And pricing of such boxes is not too suitable as it’s too high for even working individuals to splurge on, every month. Hence we decided to make boxes that suit us.”  At a highly reasonable price of Rs. 1350 per month, the box comprises of two novels and other meticulously gathered bookish goodies, some of which are specially made for the box. Head over to their Instagram account for more details on upcoming themes and how to make a booking.

The Nerdy Box

The folks who run The Nerdy Box take pride in their geeky side and urge you to flaunt your fandoms by subscribing to their monthly subscription. For Rs. 800 per month, they assemble a box with one book and 3-4 bookish goodies. Surprise yourself by clicking on their website and picking out the subscription plan that works best for you.

Pandoria India

The assortment of items curated for the boxes sent forth by Pandoria India ranges from edibles to bookmarks, candles to books, recipes to DIYs; thereby granting their customer a whole lot of exciting things to look forward to. Priced at Rs. 1300 per month, you get one book and several other items. You can contact them via their Instagram account to get more information about their subscription plans.

The best part about these subscription services is that you don’t know what you’re going to receive. What more do you need to brighten your day, than a box assembled by book lovers with the kind of affection and patience that you know your reading deserves.


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