
Conflicts: A Major Source of Workplace Hindrance

As said by David Allen,” much of the stress...

The significance of the Ecological Pyramids in Ecosystems

A graphic depiction of the interactions between various creatures...

Epson’s Eco-Friendly Progress: Championing Sustainability Through SDGs

Sustainability comprises three major aspects: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability,...

Instagram Apps: Apps That Are Revolutionizing Social Media

You can’t get into a room if you don’t...

E-waste- An upcoming menace to the environment

E-waste or more precisely Electronic Waste is the persisting...

The Secret Taboo

How bizarre it feels when, one day, you wake up and realize that you are no more a girl. You are a woman now....


Flowers Fashion is always considered the important part of our life. It has been following from the ancient time, as time passed by, the...

Selfie: Enjoyment Or Addiction

A selfie is a gesture that can send different messages to different individuals,communities and audiences. On 13 September 2002,the word “selfie” was first time...

Dr. Manmohan Singh – “Most Educated Prime Minister”

Dr. Manmohan Singh, the 13 th Prime Minister of India, stands out as the most educated Prime Minister in the country's history. Despite being...

Gender Stereotype

Hello society. How have you been? How's the moil of judging the young peer going on? You have taught us a lot so far....


Being the one out of the crowd is never too easy , neither socially nor psychologically. Being the one to experience, the fact that...

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