
Conflicts: a major source of workplace hindrance

As said by David Allen,” much of the stress...

The significance of the Ecological Pyramids in Ecosystems

A graphic depiction of the interactions between various creatures...

Epson’s Eco-Friendly Progress: Championing Sustainability Through SDGs

Sustainability comprises three major aspects: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability,...

Instagram Apps: Apps That Are Revolutionizing Social Media

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E-waste- An upcoming menace to the environment

E-waste or more precisely Electronic Waste is the persisting...

Mahatma Gandhi and Women Empowerment

“To call a woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is a man's injustice to woman. If by strength it is meant moral...

Right to Information

"The Father of India", Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by...

Photography And Photographers

A picture speaks a thousand words. In a first growing world where communication is losing it's essence taken over by social media platforms photographs...

5 things you should know about the Metro Man of India

Delhi metro is the second oldest metro in India that serves to around 3 million people daily. It has transformed the public transport system...

5 Awesome Ways to Make a Clean Break Between Professional and Personal Life

In today’s world when our work is just one touch away from us. Technology in some way distract people in personal life. For e.g....

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A good novel is like a saviour who takes us away from our monotonic routine. Novels take us in their own imaginative world. It...

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