LifestyleCan You Overcome Your Weight Problem with Alternative Weight Loss Therapies?

Can You Overcome Your Weight Problem with Alternative Weight Loss Therapies?

Weight loss can happen when a person’s calorie intake through consuming food and drink is less than their expended energy during the day. Most individuals with weight problems need to change both their energy intake and energy expenditure to lose weight. Low-fat diets are a standard strategy to help you lose weight. Other common remedies include intense exercising, drinking more water, avoiding processed food, or doing a “Carb Refeed” once per week. However, for some of us, it is just not that “simple.” If you have tried all this and still there are no results, this might be the right time to learn more and decide whether alternative weight-loss therapy is for you.

Can You Overcome Your Weight Problem with Alternative Weight Loss Therapies?

Any method that is generally used instead of or alongside conventional medical treatments, aiming to achieve the healing effects of medicine, is considered to be alternative and/or complementary. These methods focus on overall health, and non-traditional, often natural treatments. Moreover, alternative therapies include philosophy and holistic medicine approaches. They see the person as a whole being, addressing the root causes of a problem rather than merely treating the symptoms. Precisely this holistic approach (through understanding the comprehensive causes and effects of weight gain) can help you in achieving significant, long-term weight loss.

Here we are sharing with you some of the most used alternative therapies for weight loss.


Hypnotherapy is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. It is usually done with a hypnotherapist who, during each session, will guide you into a state of relaxation, where you will then repeat particular verbal messages to yourself. These messages are agreed between you and the hypnotherapist before your session and are personalized to fit your specific needs and situation (for example positive messages concerning healthy diet). Other techniques which can be used are guided imagery and post-hypnotic suggestion to make positive changes, such as for example, to enjoy healthful eating. In addition, a recent study, find that patients receiving hypnotherapy had lower rates of inflammation, better satiety and better quality of life. Researchers believe that also through these mechanisms, hypnotherapy can be used for weight loss. Even though there isn’t enough substantial scientific evidence about weight-loss hypnosis alone, this technique may help you lose some pounds when it’s part of a weight-loss plan that includes diet, exercise, and counseling.


CBD is one of over 100 marijuana compounds known as cannabinoids. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not have psychoactive effects and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, anti-tumor, and antiemetic properties. CBD affects your body by stimulating specific receptors to reduce pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Still, research is ongoing, and CBD’s full effects are undetermined.

However, even though little is known about the effects of CBD on weight loss, according to, there is some evidence to suggest that CBD can help a person lose weight indirectly, through its other health benefits or help prevent metabolic disorders. Preliminary research suggests that CBD may reduce food intake  (appetite) and boost metabolism, which could promote weight loss. According to a newly published study in the scientific journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Korean researchers found that CBD stimulates genes and proteins that enhance the breakdown and oxidation of fat; increase the body’s ability to burn calories and decrease the expression of proteins involved in fat cell generation. The results came from the ability of CBD to convert what usually is white-colored fat tissue (that stores energy) to beige-colored fat tissue (that burns it).

Can You Overcome Your Weight Problem with Alternative Weight Loss Therapies?

Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Weight-loss supplements come in the form of pills or powders. They can contain one or more dietary ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other substances. Weight-loss supplements work through one or more of these mechanisms –  reduce appetite, reduce the absorption of nutrients like fat, and/ or increase fat burning. Some of the most popular include Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Hydroxycut, Caffeine, Orlistat (Alli), Raspberry Ketones, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Glucomannan, Meratrim and many others. They are intended to play a supportive role in weight loss. Personal trainers recommend getting your vitamins and minerals from whole foods, rather than supplements, but if you decide to use ones, use supplements with a single agent and from a reputable manufacturer. Moreover, bear in mind that according to a 2012 study done at the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University, there is no research to support that any product, whether or not designed to increase your appetite leads to a significant or a sustained weight loss.  


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing method based on teachings that energy, circulates through the body along 14 meridians. These meridians correspond to the body’s organs. According to the acupuncture’s underlying theory, blockages in this energy flow cause imbalances in your body, that materialize itself as health problems such as obesity. Acupuncture’s role is to restore balance. This method consists of a vast array of procedures that stimulate specific points on the body. The best-known variety includes the practice in which thin needles are inserted into the body controlled by a practitioner or electrical stimulation.

Studies suggest that acupuncture can help in offering relief with specific pain conditions, such as back and neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, headache, and depression. However, little has been published on acupuncture and weight loss. And the evidence on all counts is mixed. According to a meta-analysis of seven studies that were published in the journal Obesity, thanks to acupuncture, some people significantly reduced a body weight of 1.56 kg (0.74-2.38 kg), on average, compared to placebo or sham treatments and some experienced reduced hunger. Acupuncture also showed more improved outcomes for body weight, as well as for obesity, than conventional medication.  


Yoga is an ancient discipline that combines physical exercise, breathing techniques, and meditation. Moreover, yoga is also part of philosophy, originating from India. The word itself means to join, or unite. The teaching embraces the concept of “joining or integrating all aspects of the individual – body with mind and mind with soul – in achieving a happy, balanced and useful life.” The ultimate aim of yoga is to reach the ultimate freedom.

Regular yoga practice can influence weight loss indirectly. Namely, even though many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise, yoga can increase your mindfulness and the way you relate to your body. Through this practice, you become more aware of what you are eating, and you are making better food choices. Also, many individuals eat more when they are feeling stressed, and yoga can help combat stress, which can influence your energy intake.

Bottom Line

Even though researches are still limited, evidence suggests that alternative therapies such as CBD, hypnosis, acupuncture, and others can provide moderate success in weight loss. However, if you decide to try using alternative and complementary therapies in overcoming weight problems, be sure to use these therapies as adjuvants to the more conventional treatments of calorie restriction and exercise.

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