Monthly Archives: October, 2016

Disarming stereotypes

Has it ever occurred to you that probably you...


We all need that one person who can calm...

Is time travel possible

Time travel's been one of man's wildest and fascinating...

Menstrual taboos and myths in India

Menstruation has been a unique phenomenon for the girls...

One of a kind movies

Are you bored of all those scenes where the...

A woman’s perspective on relationship

People often say being single is awesome, that’s not...

Childhood Fairy Tales

A question asked by every child to his or...

Lost Memory

Sat there as my mind wonder In thousands ways, Hold...

Can love be arranged

Love is the feeling of eternal bliss, affection, care,...


I am back with yet another piece of writing...


Disarming stereotypes

Has it ever occurred to you that probably you are born in the wrong community? Like you are a Punjabi but should have been...


We all need that one person who can calm us in every situation. When you know you are shattering, you are breaking, you are...

Is time travel possible

Time travel's been one of man's wildest and fascinating fantasies for centuries. There are some ancient myths that depicts skipping forward in time. In...

Menstrual taboos and myths in India

Menstruation has been a unique phenomenon for the girls over a period of years. However, this particular topic has always been surrounded by myths...

One of a kind movies

Are you bored of all those scenes where the hero flips a coin and wipes out all the rowdies before the coin touches the...

A woman’s perspective on relationship

People often say being single is awesome, that’s not always true. There are some adorable perks to be in a relation. What's more wonderful...

Childhood Fairy Tales

A question asked by every child to his or her mother, “Mummy how was I born?” Yes I know every one of you must...

Lost Memory

Sat there as my mind wonder In thousands ways, Hold it to calm it and looked inside only to see you. Smile that made my day...

Can love be arranged

Love is the feeling of eternal bliss, affection, care, compassion and contentment. Love just happens. It can happen anytime anywhere with anyone. It is...


I am back with yet another piece of writing about that wet-nosed poodle you can't imagine your life without. Well, I always have had this...

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