CareerMJPRU Announces B.Sc Honours Results 2021 at

MJPRU Announces B.Sc Honours Results 2021 at

Mahatma Jyotibha Phule Rohilkhand University also known as MJPRU has made an announcement regarding the result of B. SC Honours and other courses for the session 2021. Candidates who have appeared for the B.SC exam can check the result from the official website of MJPRU i.e., By using the Exam Roll Number and enrollment details, candidates can check the B.SC Honours result from the official portal.

Highlights of MJPRU Result 2021:

The highlights of the MJPRU Result are mentioned in the below table:

MJPRU Result ParticularsMJPRU Result Details
Name of the UniversityMahatma Jyotibha Phule Rohilkhand University
Academic Session2020-2021
Type of UniversityState University
Mode of ApplicationOffline and Online
Name of the ExamB. SC Honors

How to check MJPRU Exam Results 2021?

To check MJPRU Exam Result 2021, candidates need to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to the official portal of MJPRU i.e.,

Step 2: Click on the link ‘Results’, under the ‘Examination’ tab on the homepage.

Step 3: Then, click on the link ‘Main Exam Result.’

Step 4: Now, candidates need to select the course for which candidates want to check the result.

Step 5: Now, candidates need to enter the ‘Roll Number’ on the next page.

Step 6: From the drop-down menu, select the ‘Course.’

Step 7: Now candidates need to click on the option ‘Find Result.’

Step 8: The result of MJPRU 2021 will appear on the screen.

Step 9: Lastly, candidates can download the result of MJPRU 2021and takeout of the result for future references.

Details Mentioned on the results of MJPRU:

The details that are mentioned on the results of MJPRU are given below:

  • Name of the Exam
  • Conducting Authority
  • Name of the Candidate
  • Roll Number
  • Marks Obtained
  • List of Subjects
  • Total Marks
  • Minimum Marks
  • Qualifying Status, etc.

Recorrection or Re-evaluation of MJPRU Results 2021:

Candidates may apply for re-checking or evaluation in case they are not satisfied with the grades/scores obtained. To challenge the evaluation, the candidates are required to submit an application along with a fee of INR 2000/subject. Before applying for the revaluation of MJPRU, candidates must read the below procedures that are mentioned:

  1. To evaluate the work independently, the Vice-Chancellor will appoint two new CE assessors.
  2. Candidates’ average grades will be taken into consideration.
  3. The CE markings will be considered if the difference between the marks obtained in the results and is obtained after the CE is 15% or greater.
  4. An amount of 500 rupees will be deducted from the student’s tuition and will be refunded.
  5. No grades will be adjusted if the difference percentage is below 15 percent and candidates will be responsible for the whole amount.

What to do if there is an error in Downloading the Result of  MJPRU 2021?

Candidates can download the result of MJPRU 2021 from its official portal. To download the result, some institution or university requires a user id and password. If there is an error in downloading the result of MJPRU, then candidates should request for re-issuance of the same and report to the conducting authority of the same.

Important Instruction of the Result of MJPRU 2021:

Some of the important instructions of the result of MJPRU 2021 are mentioned in the below points:

  • Candidates must provide their valid Roll Numbers, to see the result of MJPRU 2021.
  • To verify the result of MJPRU 2021, candidates can also use this page.
  • Candidates must check twice the information on the Marks Sheet.
  • If any error is found, candidates need to notify the senior officials of MJPRU.
  • The markings need to be examined and candidates need to make a hard copy for future reference.
  • Candidates can request a revaluation if they are not happy with their grades,
  • Candidates can apply for Supply Exams if they don’t meet the qualifications.
  • Visit the official website, if candidates still have questions.

How to apply for Re-evaluation of MJPRU Result 2021?

Candidates can apply for revaluation or re-checking if any student feels that he or she has obtained low marks in any of the subjects. To pass and to prove themselves, it will be the last time opportunity for students.  By paying a nominal fee as prescribed, candidates should take benefit of the opportunity. Through their respective school/ institution/ university, candidates need to submit an application form.

A grade point will be given to the candidate’s rank in that batch, whereas a letter grade will be given to a candidate’s success in the course. A candidate successfully completed a course, if he or she gets a letter grade. A letter grade of RA in any of the courses specifies that the candidates should retake the exam.

Thus, candidates who have appeared for the B.SC Honors Exam 2021 can view the result on the official website of Mahatma Jyotibha Phule Rohilkhand University. The details of the result of MJPRU are discussed in the above article.

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