Lifestyle5 DIY Masks For Hands For Hands And Feet

5 DIY Masks For Hands For Hands And Feet

Rough and dry hands, a very common problem for our mothers and house-ladies, who are working the whole day at home, and sacrificing the softness and beauty of their hands and feet. Isn’t it a work deserving a Salute!! Off-course it is…Therefore, it’s our duty to bring back the soft texture of the cracked hands and feet of our mothers.

You can take the following steps to help and protect and soothe the skin by trying these easy DIY masks, and surprise her with the spa treatment, just at home!


Coconut oil plays a vital role in the procedure of enhancing one’s beauty. It is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer. It has more penetrating effects than other oils.

What Will You Need-

  •  1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  •  1 tablespoon coconut oil
5 DIY Masks For Hands For Hands And Feet

Take the above @ ingredients and blend them together. Warm the oil mix a bit. Give a gentle massage to your hand and cuticles. Allow the oil mask to penetrate to the deeper portions of your skin, by resting it for at least 5-10 minutes. Cover your hands in a small towel for more absorption and wipe off the excess with a tissue. Finish the process, by applying some nourishing cream for soft, smooth, moisturized hands.                 


Ginger has a very good property which improves the elasticity and evens the skin tone… Ginger contains about 40 anti-oxidant properties that protect against aging and prevent free radical damage. This mask will surely reveal a radiant and glowing skin.

What Will You Need-

  • 2 Tsp finely grated peeled fresh ginger
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 4 tablespoon aloe vera gel

-Blend the above ingredients together and apply a thick layer over each foot. Cover it, to avoid drying of the mask. Wrap each foot with a warm washcloth. Leave the mask for 10 to 15 minutes for better results.


5 DIY Masks For Hands For Hands And Feet

Cinnamon or ‘Dalchini’ is a spice obtained from the inner bark of the tree gennus ‘Cinnamonium’, whose bark is known for its extremely beneficial and medicinal value. Cinnamon contains fiber, manganese, calcium and iron and is basically used in many food dishes. But Cinnamon has many supplementary qualities. Cinnamon contains anti-microbial properties that can make the skin more beautiful. Cinnamon, can help you get rid of acne and pimples, it helps you remove the dead skin, and restore shine and suppleness of the skin. It also helps as a complexion enhancer,alleviates Fine Lines and prevents and prevents skin infections and cures cuts and wounds and it helps in…, well , there are a dozen more beneficial values, which should be mentioned , but you try this mask and experience its benefits yourself!!


  • 1 Tablespoon cinnamon
  •  1/2 cup olive oil
  • 4 drops lemon essential oil

Add Cinnamon and lemon oil in half a cup of warm olive oil, in a bowl. Stir it until all blended together. Cover each foot with a thick layer of mask. Rest the mask over each foot for about 10-15 minutes and use a plastic wrap to seal the moisture.

5 DIY Masks For Hands For Hands And Feet


Egg white holds an amzing quality to lighten the skin color. it renovates the elasticity of your skin and make it more supple. Egg Yolks not only make your hair healthier, shinier, and softer but this also help in increasing the lenghth of your hair. It is perfect remedy for revitalizing dry hair too.

Things You Need-

  • Egg Yolk
  • Lemon Juice

Break an Egg in a mixing bowl and beat it until smooth and add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Mix it well. Apply this mixture to your hands and cover it with small towel or wrap it with plastic to preserve the moisture. after 10 minutes, rinse your hands  well.

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Potatoes are edible tubers, available worlwide and all year long. Despite being quiet a cheap vegetable to grow it has several other benefits too. Some evidence prove that potatoes might be a remedy for the case of inflamation and constipation. a medium sized potato carries around 164 calories and 30 percent of the recommended daily B6 intake. Potatoes are a very good source of curing several medical conditions like preventing osteoporosis, maintaing heart health, and reducing the risk of infection. Collagen is the skin’s support system. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to help prevant damage caused by the sun and it also helps collagen smooth wrinkles and improve the texture of the skin and makes it beautiful.

What Will You Need-

  • 2-3 Potatoes
  • Milk

Boil the Potatoes and mash them. Add milk to it and mix it thouroughly until it forms a paste. Apply the warm mixture on your hands and leave it to rest until it gets cooled. Wash your hands and apply a nourishing cream or lotion to pamper your skin.

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