Monthly Archives: July, 2019

15 benefits of Cold showers

Cold showers have been the talk of the town in the past few months for their tremendous health benefits. With its increasing popularity, a...

10 Ways To Overcome Procrastination- A Step Towards A More Productive Lifestyle

Modern lifestyle involves a lot going on. The current generation engages in a variety of engagements, which makes their management difficult. We often end...

Time to Stop Worrying about Your Kids and Loved Ones in the Car

Are you always on the edge of the seat when your kids and loved ones are out and about in a chauffeur driven car? Though the...

Lucknow: The Street Food of the City of the Nawabs

Lucknow also is known as the ‘City of Nawabs’ or the ‘Constantinople of the East’, offers some of the most luscious street food that...

What Is Back Pain?

Back pain is very common among people, especially among adults. Most people deal it very casually and do not realise that back pain can...

Helpful Tips In Buying A Menstrual Cup

Even though the menstrual cup may be unconventional, the payoff is also undeniable for many women — reusable menstrual cups are less wasteful than...


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