Monthly Archives: August, 2016


One is the Apex Predator, the other is The Beast. One is the Third Generation Superstar, the other is WWE Champion, UFC Champion and...

The Life of an Infatuation

When the stars shine a little brighter, They call it love. When everything is a reminder of them, They call it love. All ever wish for is a...

Top Chick Flicks To Watch With Your Girl Gang

Top 12 Chick Flicks To Watch on Your Girls Night It's the age old problem: You and your girlfriends are curled up on a couch...

Can You Do That???

Every single human being born in this planet earth has an eternal power, which is hidden deep inside. How come a student in a...

Negative Impacts of Skipping Breakfast

During a busy morning, it’s easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to eat...

SANITATION need of society

SANITATION Sanitation is the hygienic practice to promote healthy lifestyle through proper disposal and treatment of human excreta, sewage, solid & liquid waste and provide a...


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If you have money in a savings account, you...

Conflicts: a major source of workplace hindrance

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Take Your Business To New Heights With A Virtual Office Assistant

Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their...

Design Beyond Limits: Exploring the Possibilities with Creative Fabrica

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The significance of the Ecological Pyramids in Ecosystems

A graphic depiction of the interactions between various creatures...