Monthly Archives: August, 2016

11 Adventurous Sports in Hills and Sea

Some of the adventurous sports are very fresh to the Indian populace like scuba diving and snorkeling, ballooning but some places of the country...

10 DJ’s in Mumbai that are most loved!

It would sound very high to call Mumbai the New York of India, but that is what describes this city of dream the best....


The stressful life that we all are leading not only makes us unhealthy and unfit but its effect can easily be seen on our...

Trendy Long Hairs for Men’s

It is often called that personality is inherited from hairstyle. A head full of hairs is an intimation of your health and good genes....

Need to overhaul India’s restrictive abortion law

Introduction to Abortion Laws in India While India has come a long way since the time it has gained its independence in 1947, yet even...

Chocolate – The Mood Food

Chocolates A Girl’s Best Friend! It is not that chocolates are a substitute for love; rather love is a substitute for chocolates. Chocolate is, let’s face...


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How Can You Maximise the Efficiency of Your House Vacuum Cleaner?

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