HomeLifestyleYOGA, Hope for A HEALTHY ERA


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7.1 Starting your day with the solemn chanting of Om has the potential to shake your senses and make you feel anew. It is rejuvenating. The vibrations travel throughout the body stimulating all the nerve endings YOGA helps you channelize your thoughts and energy helping you combat the daily Life hurdles and yet keep your focus. REDUCING CRIMES: Crime germinates on the lands of unstable emotional or familial grounds. One can’t be expected remain poised in crisis but if individuals have the inner strength to combat their inner demons, there is no defeating them. To rise above adversity, is the best revenge. An yoga provides us with a bower of mental calm that helps us take justified and calculated actions. SOCIAL BONDS: Relationships today are standing on quivering grounds. Who is to be blamed? The hectic schedules… never ending competition… or the mad single mindedness to excel? But knowing the culprit won’t change a thing. We need to change a few things here and there about the way we operate to bring the change. We need to make the effort to strengthen bonds. Give your mind the freedom and quality time to access and correct our actions. For all the haste has created the chasm that we need to diminish through thoughts, words and deed. Yoga can help clear the mind to possibilities and provide us the much needed far-farsightedness. It connects the world for it lacks the language that breeds discrimination. It thrives on the will power to unite the world. [beautifulquote align=”full” cite=””]YOGA in Sanskrit is a term to define the ‘Divine Union’. But it isn’t about Divine only rather Union or should we say understanding; it is a way to reach a state of mind and health wherein one can make decisions to make a difference to his/her life. A place of union of body, mind and soul; a place where you can put your thought and assign yourself the action plan to breathe life into your aspirations through a goal oriented stable mind and a trained body. Excellence today is the key factor to take on the world but don’t let it be a target to achieve, make it the way to live. YOGA promises it all; Let’s just give it a try this year![/beautifulquote]
Have you ever gotten up feeling tired and had to work throughout the day? Do the people around you or circumstances seem too overbearing? Try yoga! Research proves that it has revolutionary impacts.


Fast paced and precise rhythm, that life today thrives on, leaves no place for an elaborate healthy meal that can cater to body needs without the cure of being excess. Food today is a quickie because of less time to prepare or lack of need to savour the taste of ingredients or callous behavioural habits.
To remedy the ailments that this loophole called food is giving way to, the potential threats that modern oils, synthetic spices or genetically manufactured vegetables provide to our body, YOGA is the answer. It strengthens our internal organs and spurs the body to eliminate the excess nutrients or toxics maintaining a healthy equilibrium.
Dhanur Asan helps to eliminate all the gastrointestinal troubles while Halasan strengthens the liver. Chakrasan and Bakrasan play a colossal role in fat burning.


A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. Through simple YOGA moves the body can be trained to appear attractive, function attentively and radiate exuberance.
Good height can be triggered through Taad Asan while Shirsha Asan and Bakrasan ensure a streamlined and balanced body causing you to be the talk of the town! Sarvangasan pumps the circulation of body throughout the spine strengthening the back muscles, increasing the receptivity of nerves, helping attain erect posture, removing hunch back. Halasan removes lethargy making one energetic. Thus adding appeal to personality.
IMPROVES APPEARANCE: A significant cause of worry in our age is ‘appearance’. People aspire to look youthful and agile, which often lands them on the cosmetic surgeon’s work table. Laughter being the best medicine; YOGA seconds it, as a simple and handy way of defeating ageing or wrinkles. Working out calories through a heady run isn’t possible for all people but to sit and meditate or to control breathing to attain a glowing, refreshed and lively body and skin is definitely a thing to do. Shavansan, Adho Mukha Svanasan and Padamasan ensure dynamic facial glow.


Interesting thing about yoga is that there is no asana with a single benefit. Each asana heals multiple problems across the body. A regular schedule with yoga a part can act as a shield to million ailments-chronic or acute. It restores potential to the trio- mind, soul and body.


Setuasan has a miraculous effect on chronic backache. Pavan Mukt Asan elevates constipation. Vajara Asan helps in powerful digestive system alongside giving a new vigour to nervous system. Paschimottaan Asan helps relieve menstrual pain or back pain, liver problems, piles and obesity. Dhanur Asan cures rheumatism and pain in elbow joints and palm joints.
Liver is the metabolism centre of the body. It helps regulate blood glucose level and cholesterol breakdown; preventing major risks of myocardial infractions and mental retardation by regulating the osmotic pressure of brain cells (astar cells ). Mayura Asan keeps liver in health along side preventing indigestion.


Pranayama: The most effective set of exercises that helps regulate breathing, thinking and understanding. Analom- vilom, Bhramri and Kapal bhatin are an integral part. By simple modulation in breathing can initiate the production of stress reducing hormones, joy inspiring hormones, hormonal regulation and much more.
Suraya namashkar: It is a cycle of 12 simple steps as a salutation to the Sun. They ensure an all round warm up and revitalization of all receptors. Sets you in a hyper drive of energy, making you feel invincible and optimistic.


Starting your day with the solemn chanting of Om has the potential to shake your senses and make you feel anew. It is rejuvenating. The vibrations travel throughout the body stimulating all the nerve endings YOGA helps you channelize your thoughts and energy helping you combat the daily Life hurdles and yet keep your focus.
REDUCING CRIMES: Crime germinates on the lands of unstable emotional or familial grounds. One can’t be expected remain poised in crisis but if individuals have the inner strength to combat their inner demons, there is no defeating them. To rise above adversity, is the best revenge. An yoga provides us with a bower of mental calm that helps us take justified and calculated actions.
SOCIAL BONDS: Relationships today are standing on quivering grounds. Who is to be blamed? The hectic schedules… never ending competition… or the mad single mindedness to excel? But knowing the culprit won’t change a thing. We need to change a few things here and there about the way we operate to bring the change. We need to make the effort to strengthen bonds. Give your mind the freedom and quality time to access and correct our actions. For all the haste has created the chasm that we need to diminish through thoughts, words and deed. Yoga can help clear the mind to possibilities and provide us the much needed far-farsightedness. It connects the world for it lacks the language that breeds discrimination. It thrives on the will power to unite the world.
[beautifulquote align=”full” cite=””]YOGA in Sanskrit is a term to define the ‘Divine Union’. But it isn’t about Divine only rather Union or should we say understanding; it is a way to reach a state of mind and health wherein one can make decisions to make a difference to his/her life. A place of union of body, mind and soul; a place where you can put your thought and assign yourself the action plan to breathe life into your aspirations through a goal oriented stable mind and a trained body.
Excellence today is the key factor to take on the world but don’t let it be a target to achieve, make it the way to live. YOGA promises it all; Let’s just give it a try this year![/beautifulquote]

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