HomeCareerLife after graduation in Australia

Life after graduation in Australia

Australia is known as the pool of education where student from across the world come for their higher studies. The department of immigration in Australia allows the foreign students to stay in the country after the completion of their studies for a period of 18 months. This period can be utilized in learning English language skills and gain work experience unlike in other countries where the students are told to leave once they finish their studies and have to apply for the visa again.

There are a lot of options that you can lookout for once you have completed your graduation in the country

Complete further studies

While some students can opt for post graduation some can look out for job opportunities. The first thing that you must keep in mind is the visa validity. If you plan to continue with the studies in the country then you must have enough funds to pay your fees and other expenses related to student visa and health cover. You must also keep in mind the last date of form submissions of your preferred course that you are planning to opt after your graduation

Benefits of pursuing further studies in Australia

Once you have completed your graduation in the country it is always a better option to opt for post graduate courses to increase your qualification and brush up your skills for a better job.

If you plan to pursue further education in the country than it will enhance your personality and leadership skills

Australian institutes are the best when it comes to excellence in every area of study

You will be provided with on the job internships for an in-depth knowledge in the industry of your preference

Students will also get an opportunity to permanently work with the multinational companies in Australia.

Most preferred post graduate courses in Australia

Some of the best post graduate courses that you can apply for are discussed here. Take a quick look and opt for the best ones before the due date to avoid late fee charges.

Engineering and technology:

Amazing research programs, steady work possibilities, practical knowledge and on the job trainings are some of the major points that make studying post graduation in engineering and technology a must from Australia. The University of Melbourne and the university of South Wales are the most preferred ones by the students when it comes to PG courses.


Australia is known for its management courses all across the globe because of the best faculty, amazing practical knowledge, detailed curriculum and on the job training with excellent job placements.  If you have completed your graduation with commerce background then my friend simply enrolls yourself for the management courses and do not think twice!!

Computer science and information technology:

The wide advancements in the technology every day with new innovations and techniques make this course a must enroll one if you are a tech lover. The Australian institutes offer a wide range of software courses in the field of information technology with specialization in a different language.


ursue a career in education and give wings to your creativity. A teacher is a person for whom the sky is the limit and it is proven right in the country with more than 250 options to pursue your education career and also get a chance to join reputed colleges and schools to teach right after completion of your course.

Return to the home country

If you are planning to return back to your motherland then my friend it is not going to be very easy as after living in Australia for years you are surely going to miss the place and relocating is going to take a lot of time. You will need to cancel all services such as electricity, bank accounts, superannuation and mobile phone; pay final bills; sell any large items that you can’t take home with you; and  finish your lease and hand back the keys to your landlord.

Extend your stay in Australia

Life after graduation in Australia

If you are not willing to pursue further studies but are willing to stay in the country then there are a lot of temporary visa options available that you can avail from the immigration department and enjoy travelling around.

Working holiday: if you are between 18 to 30 years of age then you can apply for working holiday visa wherein you will be allowed to travel and work for a period of 12 months.

Gain professional work experience: engineering, accounting and computer science students can apply for this program which has duration of 12 months wherein you will be provided all sort of professional knowledge.  Students who are planning to settle permanently in Australia will find this program the most beneficial one because the one who complete this get extra 5 points in the skilled working visa

Travel: not in a mood to work or study further than simply pack your bags and get ready to travel across the country and enjoy some beautiful sites. Australia is a diverse land of culture and vegetation simply grab a travel visa and join any travelling group to enjoy a break from everything.

Apply for working visa: once you have completed your studies you will have to leave the country and if you are not in a mood to do so than apply for working visa and lookout for job opportunities to brush up your skills and gain work experience. Your current employer can also sponsor a visa under employer nomination scheme.

Apply for temporary visa: the temporary visa will allow you to extend your stay for up to 18 months in the country. You can spend this period by travelling, working or brushing up your language skills that will help you in further education or at work.

Apply for permanent residency: many international students enjoy so much in Australia that they plan to settle permanently here so that they can work in the country. to apply for the permanent visa you need to visit the immigration department and apply for a permanent visa.


Many students land up at the right place in Australia and settle there with a decent job and handsome salary. It all depends on the research you have done and what aim you have in your mind. Start preparing and enjoy your stay in the country by engaging yourself in different things and who knows you might get a permanent visa and settle there permanently.

Megha Bali
Megha Bali
I am a carefree person...who loves to read and write and explore new things in life.... I feel the world is my canvas and I can paint it with the colors of my choice.


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