HomeCollege Campuses10 Things only a DU Student can understand

10 Things only a DU Student can understand

  1. Shooting Cut-offs

Well if you are a Delhi University student you must be very well aware of the shooting cut-offs of the courses in Delhi University.

10 Things only a DU Student can understand

  1. DU girls are beauty with brains!

Since DU is considered among the best of the universities in India, the girls in this University are definitely not bimbos, they have got style with brains- and that’s for sure!

  1. Life as a Paying Guest or PG

Most of the DU students are unable to get the hostel facility and hence live as paying guest or commonly called PG probably near the college campus. So, besides hostels DU student have that feel of living as PG and managing their stuff.

  1. Metro/DTC Bus/Auto/rickshaw as daily means ofTransport

If you are a Delhi based person and had got into DU or maybe a Paying Guest living far off from the college campus, then Metro, DTC Buswould be your lifeline. If it’s that, that you live just a few minutes away from your college, then rickshaw or an auto will be your guest. In any of the case, travel becomes a part of life just like the daily chores you do!

10 Things only a DU Student can understand

  1. Elections!

Dude, seriously being in DU definitely help you know better about the election stuff. Elections in DU are way big deal than in any other college, the rallies and the promotion stuff is way beyond the limit!


  1. Attendance Crisis!

Well, you heard it right just like any other college, DU colleges do suck for attendance and they do it real bad. The attendance criterion in DU colleges is a sure thing to do. You can escape anything but the attendance crisis, and I mean it literally. If you don’t meet the respective criteria for attendance say your last prayers because there’s no chance in heaven to have your semester saved!

10 Things only a DU Student can understand


  1. Annual Fests are love!

Well, this sort of thing is true in the case of Delhi University. The festivals or fests are a sure thing to go for. DU fests are considered to be among the best of all in India. The mouthwatering food, the games and events arranged and the best of all–the star nights and EDM nights/DJ night are way beyond expectations. Students actually look forward to these festivals and by students, I not only mean DU students but students from other colleges as well.


  1. College Societies/Activities

DU colleges do give a damn about the activities other than studies; they have got a lot of societies be it a dancing society or a singing society and they are pretty good at their stuff and therefore turns to be one of the best university to give a proper exposure to students.

10 Things only a DU Student can understand


  1. Being a DU student is kinda big deal!

That’s right, if you are DU student, everyone would have max expectations from you. And one thing all DU students would agree to is that the reaction everyone gives you when you tell them that you are in DU “Man, you are in DU, you must have studied your ass off, well, way to go!”


  1. In-Budget canteens

Unlike other govt. colleges, DU canteens are a sure thing to love! They are so in the budget and yet provide some best of best canteen stuff ranging from samosa to dosa or pasta, DU canteens don’t lag behind!

10 Things only a DU Student can understand


All in all, being a DU student sure is a proud thing to say and it definitely turns to give a true lively experience of college life.

Mansi Saxena
Mansi Saxena
College student, book lover, foodie.

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