Tag: instagram

Instagram Apps: Apps That Are Revolutionizing Social Media

You can’t get into a room if you don’t have a key to its lock. Similarly, you can’t use personalized Instagram features without an...

Top 15 Alternatives of Twitter

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Twitter has undoubtedly carved its presence as a juggernaut of real-time communication. Yet, for those yearning to...

Social media and its impact

What is your name on Facebook? Hey! Send me a follow request? Don’t you know him? He is a famous Instagram celebrity with more...

When The Sun Talks

The sun asked me a question that I could not answer, He said "Why in the night lays awake the dancer"? Even though he is awake...

All You Need Is HUmanITY

Do you know that an average person spends four years of his life looking down at his cell phone? Kind of ironic, these touch...

10 Instagram profiles you’ve got to follow if you’re a PhotoBuff.

“There’s a frame ready to be captured everywhere. You only have to figure it out, and present it In a way it wants you to.” Photography is...

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