
Conflicts: A Major Source of Workplace Hindrance

As said by David Allen,” much of the stress...

The significance of the Ecological Pyramids in Ecosystems

A graphic depiction of the interactions between various creatures...

Epson’s Eco-Friendly Progress: Championing Sustainability Through SDGs

Sustainability comprises three major aspects: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability,...

Instagram Apps: Apps That Are Revolutionizing Social Media

You can’t get into a room if you don’t...

E-waste- An upcoming menace to the environment

E-waste or more precisely Electronic Waste is the persisting...

Laws relating to control pollution and environmental protection (Updated)

The protection of the environment has assumed an even more prominent position in the recent times with the rapid industrialization resulting not only in...

Separation of Power in the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is the longest written constitution and is often referred to as “The Borrowed Constitution” as it has taken references from a...

Why do Women need financial services tailored to their unique profiles?

Nowadays, financial services are equally vital as quality education, safe water and healthcare services to aid people grasping advantages of modern economy. In last...

Gender Stereotypes: Trending Career Options that are Shattering It

Gender discrimination somehow finds itself in all spheres of our life which manifests mostly in our life decisions. Career options especially. For years, men...

Satyavati as a Femme Fatale in The Mahabharata

Female sexuality, the role of women and the portrayal of female characters has always been a significant part of Indian mythology. The vedas, the...

Loki The Series – A Recap, Updates, Latest News and More!

The Loki Series just gets more and more convoluted with each episode. So check out our recap before heading on to the latest one! Read more.

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