Beat the heat with these refreshing summer coolers

Summers are notorious for leaving everyone feeling fatigued and exhausted. Thanks to the soaring temperatures, energy levels are at an all-time low. This means...

Top 10 Classic French pastries every dessert lover needs to try

Thanks to the French and their extreme pastry-making skills, the world is blessed with an assortment of desserts to choose from. From the buttery...

Must have Indian spices in every household

India is rightly known as the land of spices. Indian cuisine is full of a variety of spices that are used extensively to give...

Top Indian desserts and sweets to tickle your taste buds

When it comes to sweets in India, there is more variety than you can even imagine! The people of our country have a really...

What the entire rage about Dalgona coffee is about

If you happen to have an Instagram account, it is next to impossible that you have not come across at least one video featuring...

Muskan Ahuja

A blabberer on loose, Muskan is a prolific reader and writer, who loves to contemplate about life and everything in general. An entrepreneur in the making, she dreams of opening her own book cafe one day.