Auckland Botanic Gardens

A comparatively young garden, Auckland Botanic Garden consist of unique designs while giving it a distinct identity. Over 10,000 plants are present, from all...

TOP 10 Wedding Destinations in India

“Can we tie a knot, and stay blessed forever!”…”Yes, definitely!” comes the prompt reply, from the wedding couple. But, what is next in the...

Interesting Facts about Numerology

As history says, numbers played quite an important role and are still on. The numbers represented quantities, which symbolized qualities too. Along with it,...

Girl’s Night Out

‘The Killjoys’! Do you believe it? Feminists like we have been tagged with that name. But, who cares! It is rather an inaccurate one for us,...

Indian Street Food – an everlasting saga of love!

Indian Street Food - an everlasting saga of love! Gastronomy affair and Indians continue to have an age-old relation, together with the craziness involved with...

Arpita Chatterjee

I am a Research Scholar under Nagpur University (RTMNU) and myarea of research is focusing on Canadian Literature. The purpose of myresearch are the Strategies of Survival and Politics of Gender of the femaleprotagonists of Margaret Atwood’s Novels. Along with that, I am at presenta free-lancer, into content writing and blogging. I worked as a Lecturer inEnglish at several colleges in and around India, namely Hislop College(Nagpur), Jain College (Belguam, Karnataka), Bhavan’s Vivekananda College(Secunderabad) I am a voracious reader and an avid pet-lover