Home10 Reason why being single is Awesome

10 Reason why being single is Awesome

  “Single and ready to mingle”, not everyone in this world follow these lines, some like Barney want to make their life legend-wait4it-dary and thus remain single until they are hit by the cupid’s bow and find there Robin. But some are like Ted, trying to find their soul mate at every corner. Well I am not saying that love is not an awe-inspiring thing, I am just saying that both have their own pros and cons.barney-stinson

And these are my reasons why being single is amazing, may be you can relate to them:

  • NSP-(naain sukh prapti) – you can ogle as much as you want, because there won’t be anyone asking you not to. One for single.


  • No responsibilities- early morning calls, lunch calls, sickness calls, wtf calls etc. and remembering all those important days and stuff. See, why being single is utmost and all that part of brain used to remember these stuff can be put to better use.

No Resonsibility

  • Conforming- you can have haircut you want, color them according to your wish, and wear your favorite colors the way you want and not how your spouse likes it. Because last time I checked it was still my body.


  • Money- without sounding shallow, having a lover is expensive with all the gifts you exchange, not that it’s not a good thing, but still if you save those extra bucks you can definitely go to Goa after a year worth of saving. Shame for committed people you can’t go to Goa.save-money-concept-saving-indicated-indian-rupees-inserted-piggy-bank-49114814


  • Friends- suddenly after your break up all your time is spent with friends and you regret not spending time with them earlier.


  • Economic– single people are good for economy, as they are the ones who go to club, bars, buy new clothes and pass time drinking coffee until their crush leaves the café. Singles are better.


  • Social– singles are generally more cheerful and enthusiastic, and most of all funny. They can turn up any boring party. And they most definitely drink more.


  • Privacy– you can talk to anyone on Facebook, Instagram etc. and not have any care in the god damn world. No more upload of pictures in which your girlfriend finds you cute. Talk about that.


Don’t you people love your freedom, well I just love mine. And I am not giving that up this easily unless I get knocked from my feet with something known as love. I don’t see it happening anytime soon though. But what do you know of fate.

For all those who are in committed relationship please enjoy your life and ignore the above points.

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Dr. Aaina Aggarwal
Dr. Aaina Aggarwal
Life is memories, you die one day and people remember you for all the things you have done which is summed up by some words. Be defined by the words that you love- from a future doctor aka dentist, writer, wanderer, adventurous, party hopper, and most of all a nerd.

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