The Rohingya Crisis- A Call for Humanity

The injustice towards the Rohingyas in Myanmar has caught the media's attention from all corners of the world. Thousands of Rohingyas have fled to...

15 benefits of Cold showers

Cold showers have been the talk of the town in the past few months for their tremendous health benefits. With its increasing popularity, a...

10 Ways To Overcome Procrastination- A Step Towards A More Productive Lifestyle

Modern lifestyle involves a lot going on. The current generation engages in a variety of engagements, which makes their management difficult. We often end...

7 Effects That Will Blow Your Mind

The universe functions in mysterious ways. A small change in one part of the world can trigger disastrous responses in a completely different time...

5 Most Remarkable Paintings of the Renaissance

Renaissance-An Introduction The Renaissance in Europe was a period from the late 13th to the 17th century. It is associated with the flow of modern...


A cliché in this modern world.