Indian scientists solve a century old light puzzle

Indian scientists once again proved their worth in the field of science. Indian scientists have proved to the world that they are rich in...

Braille Smart Watch

A Smart watch is introduced to mark the change in technology. This watch is mainly intended for visually impaired people. Not just for visually...

Unstealable Bike

Everyone has a bicycle during their childhood .Sometimes you may also have experienced the theft of your bicycle or someone around you. Do you...

Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Google has released Android 6.0 Marshmallow yet another version of Android Operating system early this month. Marshmallow focuses primarily on improving the overall user experience...

Melting rate of Antarctic may double by 2050

Pollution across the world has been increasing at a higher rate day by day. The emission of greenhouse gases has already reached maximum levels,...

Srinivas Konda