Monthly Archives: April, 2020

All about Heel Spurs

Heel spurs: The hooked and bony outgrowth at the base of the calcaneus (from Latin ‘Calcanium’ meaning human heel) heel bone caused by Calcium...

Banoffee Pie: a brief history and a full proof recipe

The word ‘banoffee’ comes from the words ‘banana’ and ‘toffee’; and it is easy to determine that the classic dessert is a heavenly combination...

Options for students post completing their graduation in Australia?

After completion of graduate students abroad, countries like Australia might be wondering what to pursue after that. There are a lot many things that...

The Grand Opera Cake

True coffee lovers cannot deny or hide their love for a good, moist, strong Opera Cake. No doubt, a good opera is one which...

Ten Best Places To Visit In Europe

Amid the Quarantine, we offer you a glimpse into the top ten places to visit while backpacking through Europe.

10 Facts you need to know about RIVERDALE

Riverdale is one of the best American teen drama show streaming on Netflix. Riverdale as always is full of surprises. Beginning in 2016 this...


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Take Your Business To New Heights With A Virtual Office Assistant

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Design Beyond Limits: Exploring the Possibilities with Creative Fabrica

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The significance of the Ecological Pyramids in Ecosystems

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