Yearly Archives: 2020

Appetizing cauliflower dishes to cook this winter

It is winter and cauliflowers are available in abundance. Why not cook some tasty dishes of this seasonal vegetable. There are some appetizing dishes...

Portrayal of Women in The Kamba Ramayana: An Analysis of Women as the Products of Patriarchy

To discuss the portrayal of women in The Kamba Ramayana, I’m going to discuss the characters of Mandodhari, Sita and Surpanakha because I believe...

My SQL Tools

Let me introduce you to the new topic MySQL tools. Are you aware of the term MySQL? The word itself is basically a combination...

How to make street style noodles dishes at home

Noodles is a favorite dish of almost everyone. Apart from instant noodles, there are a variety of noodles dishes. You can eat noodles in...

Top 20 Alternatives For YouTube That You Must Try

YouTube is a popular online digital platform that is a great source of entertainment as well as infotainment. It features a diverse range of...


Often a time you struggle to get ideas on what to write and end up in a situation of writer’s block. But this situation...


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The Importance of Group Insurance for Employee Retention and Recruitment

Are you an employer looking for an effective strategy...

Miley Cyrus Flowers: The New Heartbeat of GenZs

Miley Cyrus, an iconic pop star, everyone’s childhood and...

Top Products to Reduce Stretch Marks: Finding Confidence in Your Skin

Stretch marks are a common concern for many people,...

How Can You Maximise the Efficiency of Your House Vacuum Cleaner?

A house vacuum cleaner maintains cleanliness and promotes a...