Programming can be defined as a process of designing (or writing, in simpler terms) an executable computer program for accomplishing a particular task, whatever...
1) Alexa: Voice Assistant
Alexa is one of the voice assistance robots which is a hit in the market. It is developed by Amazon. The...
Pinkathon organizes marathons specifically for women. It is also a community which encourages women to come together and spend an hour for themselves by running and...
The Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment into any of the four defense academies:
Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year. ESE exam is conducted for recruitment into the Indian...
In India, Law has dependably been viewed as an honorable and respectable profession.The underlying foundations of our nation has been crafted by some well...