Monthly Archives: June, 2018


  image credit: A movie isn’t complete until there are popcorn and coke involved! They have become an integral part of movies! Popcorn have long since been discovered,...


It is a natural calamity which has devastating after effects. Thousands of lives are lost with a lot of damage done to the affected...

How Important Is Work Life Balance?

Work, no doubt, is the most important thing to do in life. It is the path that leads one to a comfortable life. Money...

Coping With Stress

Living in stress is always harmful to life. Stress eliminates our natural energy and promotes a kind of mental illness that dominates us in...

5 Ways To Build Self Confidence

"Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need the approval of others....

The Life Of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

The simplicity in him lay the secret of his ability to connect with people, across the boundaries of age, class, religion, and region. Active till...


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The Importance of Group Insurance for Employee Retention and Recruitment

Are you an employer looking for an effective strategy...

Miley Cyrus Flowers: The New Heartbeat of GenZs

Miley Cyrus, an iconic pop star, everyone’s childhood and...

Top Products to Reduce Stretch Marks: Finding Confidence in Your Skin

Stretch marks are a common concern for many people,...

How Can You Maximise the Efficiency of Your House Vacuum Cleaner?

A house vacuum cleaner maintains cleanliness and promotes a...