Tag: Fitness

The Best Calisthenics Programme For A Beginner

So you one of the many people that want to get fit, leaner and build muscle, but at the same time cannot join a...

How To Stay Healthy In College

College life is busy and hectic, jam-packed with classes, extracurriculars, and parties. Between all of this, it can become hard to find time for...

A Beginner’s Guide To Start Working Out

The world has seen an exponential increase in the number of people vouching for physical fitness in the past decade. If you look up...

Bulk Or Cut: Which Is Best and For Who?

Many people who are just starting out on their fitness journey are faced with this dilemma: bulk or cut? There are so many articles...

Benefits of tracking Macro-nutrients instead of Calories.

A Beginners guide to tracking Macro-nutrients You must be wondering why this talk of counting macro-nutrients when for any fitness regime counting calories is the...

Diet and Exercise Routines Of 7 Hottest Bollywood Divas

Bollywood is one of the most flourishing industries in not just the country, but the entire world. Bollywood is best known for its actresses...

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