CareerGATE 2020: Application form, Dates, Eligibility,Admit card (released)

GATE 2020: Application form, Dates, Eligibility,Admit card (released)

This article guides the students through all the procedures they need to follow for the GATE 2020 examination. The GATE 2020 examination is one of the toughest examination of the country. However, here is a guideline to help you smoothly attempt it. The article comprises of all the details and information you need to know about GATE 2020.

About GATE 2020

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering commonly known as the GATE is the well-known examination that tests the students on their comprehensive understanding about the several subjects in the under graduation with related to the field science and engineering. The examination is conducted in English and is administered by the Indian Institute of Technology generally referred to as the IIT. It is collectively conducted by all the Indian Institutes of Technology which are total seven in number, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. This is done on behalf of the National Coordination Board also known as the NCB-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. Every year more than a lakh student who all belong to the engineering graduate courses and universities sit to write the paper for GATE.

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Let us explore GATE 2020: Application Form, Date, and Eligibility

The Graduate Aptitude Test in engineering exam is conducted all over the nation and is a Post-Graduation entrance test or exam. The Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) take into consideration the score of a student in the GATE examination for the post of the Junior Engineer and many other such portfolio recruitments. When sitting for the GATE exams, a lot of students ponder upon the thought whether the exam is easier or tougher than several other well-known entrance exams. To clear this doubt, certain experts from the field are of the belief that the GATE examination is tougher than qualifying the top ‘Ivy League’ colleges’ entrance examinations. However, this totally depends on the preparation and the academic ability of the students appearing for the examination. The article below gives the details and all you need to know about the GATE 2020.

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GATE 2020: Important Dates

Given below are some dates that you need to keep in mind if you are planning to write the GATE examination 2020:-

Activity or Event Date Day
Opening of the GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System) Website  3rd September, 2019 Tuesday
Last date for the submission of the application online through the website 28th September, 2019 Saturday
Extended date of closing of the online form submission through the website 5th October, 2019 Saturday
Last date for applying for change in the city of the examination 25th November, 2019  Monday
Availability of the Admit Card in the Online Application Portal 3rd January, 2020 Friday
GATE 2020 Examination Forenoon: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm 1st February, 2020
2nd February, 2020 8th February, 2020 9th February, 2020
Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday
Results announcements in the Online Application Portal 16th March, 2020 Monday


  • Change of city will require an additional fees to be submitted.
  • The timings of the examination are subject to change. The dates of the examination, however, remain the same.

For further queries and updates, regarding the dates and timings of the examination, kindly refer to the official website, the link of which is given below.

Gate official website

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GATE 2020 Eligibility Criteria

The students need to fulfil certain criteria that would make them eligible to sit for the GATE 2020 examination. The following points should be kept in mind to check the eligibility, when filling the application form:

  • The students should have competed their Bachelor Degree or must be in the final year of it. The duration of the Bachelor Degree should be 4 years from any of the Engineering or Technology College or university.
  • In other cases, the students should have completed or must be in the final year of their Post Graduate or the Master’s Degree. The duration of the degree should be 2 years and it can be in any of the relevant science subjects.
  • If the student has already passes in the year 2019 in either of the examinations mentioned above, the student is required to upload the provisional certificate/ degree certificate/ course completion certificate that has been issued by the concerned college or university.
  • In case the student is in the final year of any of the qualifying examinations, the student is required to upload a certificate issued by the Head of the Department or the Institute, as specified in Appendix A.
  • There is no age limit to appear for the GATE 2020 examination.

Besides the general eligibility that has been specified above, the board has also released paper wise eligibility criteria of the GATE 2020. Other than the above mentioned criteria, there are certain documents that are also needed to be eligible for the GATE 2020 examination. These documents have been mention in the Application Form section. The students may refer to that by going through the entire article or by accessing the official website.  

Application Form GATE 2020

The link to the GOAPS Online Application Processing Systems official website is given below. Students can easily go on the website and follow the procedure and steps to apply online for the GATE 2020 examination. The website also has all the information related documents required for the application and certain other notices and updates.

The students are required to follow three steps in order to create their login ID and are requested to remember these details, as they shall be required to proceed forward in the application and submission of their admission forms. The details filled in should be correct as well as legal. Any discrepancy in details or invalid documents may be enough reason to cancel the examination application form and admit card of the student.

Following is a list of Documents and Data required for applying and filling the form at the GOAPS for the GATE 2020:-

  1. Personal information such as name, parents` name, date of birth, phone number, parents` phone number, residential address, etc. Students must note that the spelling of the name of the student should be exactly the same as that in the degree of qualification and the certificate or the certificate that shall be issued by the Head of the Department or the Institution in which the student is pursuing her/his undergraduate degree. The scorecard of the GATE 2020 shall be printed in accordance with the name that has been entered in the application form. Prefix of any kind should be strictly avoided at all costs.
  2. The address along with the PIN code for communication purposes.
  3. The details of the degree of eligibility.
  4. The name and address (with PIN Code) of the college.
  5. GATE paper (subject).
  6. The choice of cities for the GATE examination.
  7. Good quality image of the photograph of the student as per the requirement.
  8. Good quality image of the signature of the student as per the requirement.
  9. Scanned copy of the Eligibility Certificate. The copy should be in pdf format. The other format has been specified in the Appendix A.
  10. Scanned copy of the certificate of the Category and PwD, of the student (if applicable).
  11. The scanned copy of the Dyslexia Certificate in the pdf format (if applicable).
  12. The details of the valid identification document. The same should also be carried to the examination room/hall.
  13. Credit card/ Debit card/ UPI/ Net-banking details that shall be required for the payment of fee.

GATE 2020 Admit Card

The GATE 2020 Admit card will be released by IIT Delhi for the students who have correctly and successfully registered for the GATE 2020 examination. Hence, the GATE 2020 Admit card can be downloaded from the GATE portal and the Admit card needs to be printed for future requirements. In order to download the Admit card, the students need their enrolment number and the password. The details about the GATE 2020 examination shall be printed on the admit card. These details include the date, name, details regarding the examination centre and the examination hall.

In case any discrepancy is found in the admit card, the students are advised to contact their zonal IIT to get it rectified. The Admit Card is a necessary document that needs to be carried to the examination hall. In case the students do not have the Admit Card in their possession they shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Copies or pictures of the Admit Card on mobile phones or tabs will not be considered valid for the entry to the examination hall.

Steps to download the GATE 2020 Admit Card:-

  1. The students need to visit the official website which is the
  2. After that, enter your enrollment number and password and click on login.
  3. There will be a link to download the admit card. Click on the link to download it.
  4. Once downloaded, make sure that you get the admit card printed.
  5. The printout should be colored.
  6. Before downloading, please ensure that there are no discrepancy.
  7. In case of any discrepancy, inform the concerned authorities.

Syllabus and Exam Pattern for GATE 2020

The link for the syllabus of each paper has been given on the official website, the link to which has been given below. The students may simply click on their choice of paper and download and view the entire syllabus. The subject papers have been given along with the code of that subject. Besides this there shall be a General Aptitude (GA) section which shall be common in all the papers no matter the choice. The students also have a total of 37 subject options to choose from.

Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for the GATE 2020 paper will be in two types: the first would be the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) pattern and the second would be the Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions. The total marks allotted to the paper are 100 and the paper comprises of a total of 65 questions. The duration of the examination is 180 minutes. There will be a total of three sections other than the AR, CY, GG, EY, XL, PH and the MA papers.

However, there is no negative marking in the NAT question paper type. But, in case of the MCQ paper, MCQs carrying 1 mark each will have a deduction of 1/3 mark in case of every wrong answer; for a 2 marks MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted in case of a wrong answer. The other details related to the exam pattern can be checked at the official website of the GATE 2020 Examination.

GATE 2020 Counselling

The GATE 2020 counselling process shall start as per the mentioned dates. This will be done in order to admit students who have qualified the minimum marks criteria. For 2020, IITs have planned to conduct a centralized counselling procedure. This shall be done by each branch of IIT on their own. There would be differences as per the IIT institute that the student has selected or preferred for admission. Based on the scores of the GATE 2020 examination, the students will be eligible to get admission.

Not to forget, there are several other universities and colleges which will conduct their own counselling process. This counselling process will also be based on the marks obtained in GATE 2020 to a great extent.

We hope that this article was helpful and cleared all your doubts regarding the GATE 2020 examination. We advise you to keep yourself updated at all times in case of any last minute changes. The dates that are tentative shall soon be confirmed. The students can visit the official website of the GATE 2020 examination, the links to which have been provided in the article. By following the above mentioned procedures, one can simply apply and give the GATE 2020 examination. You can relax and prepare for the GATE 2020 because we are here to solve all your queries!

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