Skincare is something which is a very important part of our daily regimen. Not only women but even men want to have a clear and glowing complexion.
Having a great skin is very essential because it adds confidence onto your personality.
Today we will hover onto some tips and tricks you must follow to have a gorgeous skin.

We all wish to live in a clean lace, right? The same way our skin wishes to be clean. A clean skin will become healthy skin & hence give Natural Glow. In fact cleansing is one of the most effective ways of removing dirt, dust & dead layer of cells from your skin.

Cleansing, toning & moisturizing are very important. In fact these are the first step to a clear complexion.
You must cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin at least twice a day.If you just make CTM a part of your routine, you would have a healthy skin.

2: Take proper sleep

A good night’s sleep is very important for our body and mind to feel healthy, fresh and active.

I can’t even stress on how important sleep is to beautify your skin. If you don’t take proper sleep it will reflect on to your skin . Your skin definitely needs the beauty sleep.

3: Vitamin C

citrus fruits benefits

Vitamin c is the greatest gift that you can give to your skin. A vitamin c serum adds gloss and shine to your skin. It brings life to your skin.

There are many affordable vitamin c serums in market like Body Shop’s, Kiehl’s, etc. Also incorporate vitamin C rich food items in your diet like orange, lemon, lime so that you get a dose of it both externally and internally.

4: Vitamin E

Vitamin E  vitamin eYou can increase the antioxidant by taking vitamin E rich fruit or capsules available in the market. But you should consider using more and more natural food.
Another great tip for having great skin is vitamin E. You can either buy vitamin E moisturizer or cut the vitamin E capsules and squeeze the oil out of it. Now apply it on your face. This can definitely do wonders for your skin.

5: Water

Water is life and the same goes for your skin. If you want youthful skin make water your best friend. Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water everyday. Whatever you apply on your face, if you do not drink water your skin will not be hydrated and will lack the lustre.

6: Sunscreen

Difference between sunblock and sunscreen:

I will give a very short and simple explanation here.

Sunscreen & Sunblock are not the same. In general, sun block is referred to the broad spectrum sunscreens which block both UVA and UVB rays while sunscreen is the one that protects against UVA only. Although, now a days almost all sunscreens/sunblocks protect against both rays but it will still be useful to read the label first.

I cannot even emphasize how important sunscreen is in our daily regimen. If you do not wear sunscreen the sun will definitely worsen your skin. You will have pigmentation, tanning, rough skin and even hypersensitivity.

One great tip for people who have very oily skin and can’t find a suitable sunscreen is to go for water resistant sunscreen and if you sweat a lot after applying sunscreen then add some rose water onto the sunscreen, and then apply it on your face. You won’t have to worry thereafter.

7: Face Mask\Face pack

Twice in a week you must apply face pack on to your face. This triggers the dirt deep inside from your skin. You can use both hydrating and tightening face masques.

8: Scrubbing

Scrubbing is very important for your skin to get rid of dead skin cells.Twice in a week you must scrub your face to slough down the dead skin cells and reveal a clear complexion.
Scrubbing is a good idea for oily skin. It removes the dirt and keeps the pores clean. Make a simple scrub at home of masoor dal and rose water. If you are making it in winters, add a spoon of malai to give some added moisture.
So these were some valuable tips for the skin you always desired. Remember a right skincare regimen is as important as finding a right partner.

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